10 Things you can during the Lock down

Hello dear reader,

After dusting all the cobwebs from my blog, I’m right here again.

How are you coping during this period? and how are you self-isolating as it’s something we aren’t used to. On the great side of it, remember you are staying at home to save the world.

For me personally, I’m an introvert but I still enjoy the freedom of going out at free will. By the grace of God, the world would conquer COVID-19.

I’ll be sharing 10 things you can do this period, especially if you are looking out for activities to keep your hands, soul and mind busy.

1. Read positive books: This is the time to dust your bookshelves and bring out those books you’ve never read especially if you’ve got motivational books. We need to digest as much motivation and as many positive things as possible.

2. Tiktok: Titkok is the new fun as far as I’m concerned. This is something fun and enjoyable which keeps you busy all day, plus it accentuates your creative juices. There is something about TikTok that makes you enjoy being creative.

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Make sure you follow @emz.bwacha on Tiktok because she is hilarious .

3. Learning a new recipe: This period is a great time to become creative with your meals. This is also a perfect time to try all those recipes which you’ve saved in time past. But please do not waste ingredients at this same time!

Sisi Yemmie who is a popular food YouTuber has been my plug to recipes. Fun fact; for the first time I learnt to make French toast through Sisi Yemmie’s recipe.

4. Masterclasses and webinars: I have been seeing masterclasses and webinars flying all around social media. And now would be a great time to improve your knowledge about something. If there is any master class or online class which has your interest, I’ll advise you to jump on it now since you’ve got time for it.

5. Catch up with friends: This is the most unoccupied season in most of our lives. Therefore, this is a great period to communicate more with friends either through video calls or through other means. Many people aren’t holding up well and you checking up on friends could go a long way in your friend’s life.

6. Listening to sermons and motivational talks: Lately I have been doing one sermon per day, so as to feed my spirit with powerful words and trust me I have been enjoying it. You could listen to preachers like Mike Todd or you could listen to Ted talks filled with messages of hope. Words have great impacts on our lives. This is a great time to build a more solid relationship with God and reconnect with our creator .

7.Rest Rest Rest Rest: If your life prior to this lockdown felt like a moving train which never stopped then now is a great time to rest as much as you can. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with resting because you’ve been working all year. After all, all work and no rest makes the robot to break down.

8. Taking walks: Walking is such a great sport to indulge in. You could take walks around your house or estate while meditating and reflecting on life. Walking is great for your heart, but remember to maintain social distancing.

9. Gratitude: Gratitude is a lifestyle that we should embrace daily at this period as there is so much we can be grateful for, especially at this new season which we are in.

10. Journal: Journaling is expressing your thoughts through writing. The great part about journaling is the fact that you can always go right back to read your thoughts. It’s always beautiful remembering how you’ve evolved. On the plus side, you could show your children in future how you survived COVID-19.

An extra point is trying this 30-day self-care challenge which I found on Pinterest.

Make sure you take good care of yourself while staying safe and I’ll see you in my next post.

Thank you for reading and I’ll love you to share what has been helping you during this period.

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