Dear Kyrzayda.

Hey sunshine ,

On the 10th of September 2018, a blogger died of cancer and she definitely is my favourite blogger of all time (This was so heart breaking for me💔💔). This post is in honour of her, because she’s that one blogger that has impacted so much substance into so many of our lives.

She was a fighter, and a warrior , a survivor (to me) ,even if she didn’t live to beat cancer, she left a legacy, definitely, there are so many things I’ve learnt from her, becaue she showed me another perspective of life and i’ll love to share so of these which I learnt with you.

1. Self love: «self love isn’t over rated». I learnt the benefits of self love from her, because at our worst moments, we aren’t broken , rather our self love keeps us moving, which enables us wax stronger and better .

2. Gratitude; In every single situation, we should give thanks to God. (1 Theselonians 5:18)

Honestly, I don’t know what’s worse than cancer, yet her gratitude to God never ceased, even when her health was deteriorating.

Talk less of most of us who are considered to be hale and hearty, yet we still find it difficult to give gratitude to God at the slightest tribulation.

3. Pain should not limit you for any reason; truthfully, we mustn’t be sick physically to be in pain. Pain comes in various forms and it could be mental pain, emotional pain, psychological pain, and any kind of pain whatsoever, should never be a stopper of that show of ours . Rather our weakest moment should make us stronger, to do much more , we should be just like Sansom in the bible who killed more philistines at his death point, than when he lived on earth . We should always keep striving to win no matter what the circumstances may be .

4. FIGHT!!!; We should keep fighting till the very end; and this should be so because we are warriors. We are lions in the presence of our predators and not chickens, which is enough reason for us to keep fighting.

5. It’s not how long you live that matters, but how well you live that’s the most important.

6.A life that doesn’t motivate others isn’t some what incomplete


RIP Kyrzayda, you lived a purposeful life 🎗.

Thanks for reading and I hope you’ve being as motivated as I am


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