Love and Singleness

The Love of my life (LOML)

On a sunny breezy afternoon, do you know those afternoons whereby the breeze hits your hair while direct sunshine pours on your face, yes it was one of those afternoons. We were at a rooftop restaurant, which is one of my favorites till now because from up there, I can see the entire city. I munched on the popcorn and so did he before proper hunger pangs wore us out, at the same time I was quietly looking at my time as I had to return back to work. The wait before our lunch got served took ages.

While waiting for our food he said, ‘babe this is for you’ as he handed this brown envelope to me, I curiously wanted to know its contents. Just then my mind raced back, and I thought to myself that this envelope must be important, I mean he instructed the uber driver to turn back to get this particular envelope at the beginning of our ride. With so much curiosity I wanted to know what the content of this envelope could be. As money-conscious as I can be, I thought it contained money, or maybe a ticket, or even a card, a cute note, or something of great importance because this was a small envelope as well.

And with a grin as well as well as a broad smile I opened this envelope, and guess what it was?
Hmm, Ahh, Wow, were my words I mumbled as I slowly tore the envelope.
It was a picture, not just any picture, but his picture taken by a photographer, plus he was caught unawares when this picture was taken, the content of the brown envelope caught be unaware. It was so cute because he wanted me to have a picture of him, and this made me smile. It wasn’t what I expected but I was in love with this thoughtful anniversary present, my mind raced to other anniversaries we would celebrate together and maybe even get married and make cute babies someday. Gosh, a girl was in love.

At this present time we are no more together, yes we’ve broken up. I had to break up.
When we broke up, everything reminded me of him, and regardless of the love shared, we had to go our separate ways because God’s will was more important than mine. I heard from God that he was not the one after fifteen (15) months of bliss and little quarrels here and there.

After this break up I cried to God on constant occasions because I knew very well that he wanted me to be single. Now I fully understand why that relationship was not God’s will, the guy I was in love with was good but our faith values never aligned, especially as I had just said yes to Christ again. Being good alone is not sufficient for a Godly relationship because niceness is not a fruit of this spirit, I learned this the hard way. Equally, I had tied my identity to this sweet guy, I remember telling a friend that I could not imagine life without him. Equally, I wanted valentine’s gift, anniversary gifts, and even more gifts from him.

How do I feel about being single, especially after being in love for so long?
Being single has stretched me in a whole new dimension. I am learning that singleness is a season which I must cherish while it lasts. Equally in this season, I developed a personal relationship with God without any distraction, lol I can pray for as long as I desire without my phone beeping from my lover’s call or message. Being single has taught me my worth as a woman and I am so glad God pulled me out of a relationship because he knew I needed this season to grow.

Now the question is ‘ do I still miss him? Yes, I do a lot of the time but God’s will over mine would surpass especially when it has to do with relationships. I had to walk away to set my priorities right with Christ and Abba has healed my heart too. It has been a year of being single without any form of talking stage, I have experienced so much growth in just a year.

Walk away from that relationship if it does not glorify God especially if God asked you to, you are not bob the builder. Breaking up would hurt so much but your heart would heal.
Cheers 🥂🥂 to Godly relationships.

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