6 months till 2019

Hello sunshine, welcome to my blog today. The month of July is flying so fast ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ and like play like play this year would soon be over .


If you’ve not done a reevaluation for the 2nd half of this year then I’m admonishing you to consider one. And if you have considered this, but you really do not know how to go about it , then this post is an aid to it . We know adulthood is a scam but we still have to make good out of it.

What should we consider reevaluating

1. Self care:

Have you taken good care of yourself this year? , have you pampered your skin?, have you taken your self on solo dates this year, have you taken out time to meditate . Have you had a spa day out? , have you taken your health seriously?

If you haven’t done anything of these, I’ll advise you to take this into consideration

2. Finances:

Does it look like your account is on life support? , do you live from pay check to pay check ? , do you have a monthly budget, do you make out time to save a little of your earnings , do you spend because you got to live lavida loca. If you have no spending or saving habit, it’s necessary to reconsider that.

3. Spirituality:

Especially with a 9-5 , a balanced spiritual and social life can be a struggle. If having your quiet time in the morning has been a struggle all year , try restructuring your quiet time to suit your schedules. You could try other methods like audio bibles and devotionals.

4. Declutter:

It’s time to declutter items that are of no use in your wardrobe. If you’ve got unuseful items , then consider decluttering a lot of these items, and try to arrange your personal space better.

Please change that screen guard you’ve been managing from January it’s already a ripoff.

5. Take up a challenge:

Try doing something no matter how little it may be. You could try out a new recipe for example, or take a course not related to what you studied or you are studying. A fitness challenge would do no harm equally.

6. Family and friends time:

As opposed to self love, if you’ve been less family oriented, or you’ve barely taken out time for your friends, then you should create out plans for them.

7. Planners: Get a planner too. This helps in your planning and restructuring. It helps in evaluating your progress and keeping track of goals.

I have come to the end of this post, and hope this was helpful. Thank you for reading till the end and I hope you come back next week.

Ps: All pictures gotten from Google

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