The Winery

Hello sunshine,
Welcome back to my blog and if you  are new here I  appreciate you being here.
Today’s the last day of the month and I have decided to chirp in a little motivation today  using  the illustration of a winery.

A place where wine is made or processed.
Or an establishment where wine is made.

Wines are often made  out of Grapes, which are processed and extracted.  This whole process involves the use of ‘pressure’ and the  result is the  amazing fine wine which we drink.

Good wines cost a fortune for a fact, and pressure being the production  process is always worth it on the long run.
🌸.At this season of your  life , you just might be experiencing one form of pressure or the other, well let’s call this period the refinery period.

🌸. Yeah , and the good part about this season is the fact that it doesn’t  last  forever. 
I want you to remember this;  Any form of  pressure which  life has thrown at you is only to  refine you and  for a fact, a great substance would  come out from you.  All the pain and hussle would be worth it on the long run.

🌸. Always remember the scenario of a Winery where wine is made using pressure tecnique.                                     Have it at the back of your mind that this season of pressure  is only to  refine you.  Guess the good part of it, the end result is going to produce value out of you .
Pressure produces Treasure.

Cheers to a fabulous life coming soon 🥂.

I hope you are motivated by this post.
Thank you for reading till the end.

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