Can Sadness be Handled?

Hey Sunshine,

Welcome to the last episode of the ‘Mental Health February’ series.

I’ll be sharing realistic tips on how I have handled sadness of which I have incorporated over time.

In all honesty, I need to add that it is almost impossible to handle sadness like a pro. Regardless, I’m gradually learning that when life gives me gbas I need to give my own gbos.

There are days when the tunnel looks dark and unbearable for us, yet we’ve got no choice but to handle such moments in the best way we can. There are some situations which are always going to be beyond control.

Practical Ways to Handle Sad Moments

1. Funny skits: This for me is modern-day drugs. Instagram skits always come to the rescue when sad, and trust me I laugh till I totally forget how sad I was. Whatever issue might have made me sad still remains, but the happy mood I transition into changes how I handle such horrible circumstance.

When facing a bad circumstance, I admonish you to try watching hilarious skits online at least that puts you in a better mood.

2. Food: Let’s not underrate the power of a good bowl of ice cream in our system . Food is definitely a game-changer for me and for so many of us. If you are a foodie then do not downplay the power of food at sad times. I don’t know how food does the trick but it surely does change my mood.

3. Prayer: Overtime, I have learnt that being sad isn’t a time to be negative. At moments when I’m down, I begin to bless my life by saying positive things into whatever bad situation I might be experiencing and those positive words lift me up rapidly.

The act of Prayer is too beautiful for me. One minute you are crying and the next minute after saying a short prayer your mood entirely changes to something really amazing.

5. Taking a walk: Taking a walk eases the brain during sad moments. Taking out time to observe the environment while taking in a deep breath during walks always alleviate the tension going on in the head.

Taking walks helps one think properly while enjoying solitude at such a moment.

6. Aromatherapy: Lighting up a scented candle with an amazing scent has the mumu button to my sad nerve. When sad, there is always this sense of calmness which scented candles give and that calmness turns out to be just what I desire.

The environment has its effect on one’s mood which is why scented candles or fragrances bring about calmness.

7. Nothing is working: Trust me there are times when none of the above things works for me and every other thing seem way too confusing. If you experience moments like those too, I want you to remember that sad days don’t last forever, plus it’s very much okay to cry at such uncertain moments. Absolutely things would get better because bad days do not last forever.

Thank you for reading this post until the very end. I love you 💘💖💗 for sticking till the very end of this series.

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