How much is God’s Love

Dear Amazing Reader,

Welcome to my blog today. I’m super delighted about you being here.

Lately, I have been basking in God’s love and I now have a clearer understanding of the depth of God’s love. Today I’ll be sharing how much God’s love is.

1. God’s nature is love;

I disprove the notion that God is fierce or he only shows his love towards righteous people alone.

God is the most loving being ever. His love has and knows no bound. God’s love extends to all sinners regardless of the magnitude of their sin. God is always willing and ready to forgive all the sinners on earth.

The most popular verse John 3:16 explains that it’s the nature of God’s love which enabled Jesus to give up his life for us.

2. God’s Love does not remember our wrong acts:

This might be hard to believe but it is only humans who find it difficult to forgive and forget. God loves you to the extent that when you ask for mercy, he totally forgives you and he does not count your sins against you. God isn’t one that comes back to punish you after you’ve asked for mercy because he is that loving.

Let’s look at the parable of the prodigal son. This story perfectly portrays God’s love. The father literally ran to hug his son when he sighted his prodigal son because he (the father) had completely forgotten and forgiven his son’s sin. (Luke 15: 11-32).

God is not like our African mothers who pile up all our offences and keep reminding us of our offences every now and then.

3. God’s love is filled with so much Mercy and Compassion:

In the Biblical account of God, while he was teaching the 5,000 men, numerous women and children, he had so much compassion for them to the extent that he didn’t want to let them go home without feeding them. God loves you to the extent that he always thinks about all your need. He is always filled with so much mercy and compassion for you all the time. And you really do not have to do anything special to earn his compassion.

4. God’s Love doesn’t expire here on Earth:

God loves you so much that his love doesn’t have an expiring date here on earth. No matter how many times you backslide and run back to him, with an open arm he is always ready to welcome you back home. God hasn’t placed a limit to the number of times for him to forgive you. Rather every time you run back to him, he loves you even more. God’s love can never get exhausted.

5. God’s love us more than anyone else in this world :

If you think your parents or family members love you so much or if your partner loves and respects you way more than you can comprehend.

The Good news here is that God even loves you more than you love yourself. Every instruction God gives us is based on love. God gave us the gift of salvation based on love and God is always thinking about us because he loves us. God’s love is greater than any love you can experience on earth.

I’ll end on this good note. God loves you and he isn’t angry at you either. Run to him and stop being afraid to the extent that you think God is looking to punish you.

1John 1: 18 says that ;

Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.

Open your heart and experience God’s perfect love. I want you to remember that God loves you beyond your imagination.

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