The Gospel

Hello dear reader,

I’ll love to know, have ever heard Jesus loves you and you rolled your eyes for the up tenth time saying ‘how many times would I hear this’?

Today I’ll be sharing what the simple Gospel is.

The word Gospel simply means good news and I guess everyone loves hearing good news.

What then is the good news?

Hey dear, I want to tell you that this cliché John 3:16 entails the Gospel.

For God so love you, that he came down to die for the world and if you believe in him, you’ll not perish but have everlasting life.

1. The good news is the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus died a shameful death on a cross for our sins because he didn’t want us to be condemned and then he rose again on the 3rd day. On the cross, Jesus exclaimed “It is finished!” which destroyed the rift between man and God of which now enables us to become joint-heirs with Christ.

2. You can receive eternal life here on earth. All you basically have to do is to believe and trust God deeply in your heart, then confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and you are already saved (Romans 10:9)

3. Jesus does not remember your past sins anymore once you’ve asked for forgiveness which makes you a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

4. Like the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus would never condemn you of your sins, rather he wants to give you the living water that can never run dry. And like the Samaritan women, when you meet Jesus your life totally changes (John 4:10). There’s hope in Christ.

5. This is my favourite part, you can live without sin once you accept Jesus and from then you’ll have the Holy Spirit living inside you. This means God now dwells in you. You can live a life above sin with ease because that’s what God’s grace entails.

6. God is always ready to listen to all your troubles. Now you can directly speak to God as if you are talking to your best friend about your struggles, your sins, your pain, hurts, disappointment and literally everything. Yes! God wants you to come to him the way you are and he is ready to build a beautiful relationship him. Draw near to God and be would draw nearer to you (James 4:8).

Take a step towards Jesus and he’ll meet you more than half the journey.

There is no condemnation for anyone who is in Christ (Romans 8:1).

God wants to build the best type of relationship with without condemning you to hellfire once you receive him.

I hope the Gospel made you happy because it’s a message of hope for everyone.

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