I’ll Love To Know, What Book Of The Bible Should I Study?

Have you ever been bewildered on knowing what exact book of the Bible to study? If you have, I’ll be sharing a few books of the Bible which could be of help.

A few information you will need to know

*This post is not a standard in any way and make sure the Holy Spirit is always your guide when it comes to studying the Bible.

* It’s best to study the Bible depending on what season you are in your life and for you to know this, you have to pray about it.

*The Bible is God’s love message to us, it’s God’s word to us and this signifies that we cannot do without studying the Bible each day.

Books of the Bible to Study

1. If you just got saved and you are new into the Christian faith, the book of Romans with reference to verse 8 and the book of John chapter 1-3 would help you understand how to be saved.

2. If you’ll love to understand the Gospel (the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ) John 18-21 is the right book of the Bible for this.

3. At understanding the second coming of Jesus, the Rapture and knowing what is to come after the rapture, the book of Revelation would be the best.

4. If you are saved but you need a deeper understanding of salvation and how to conduct yourself as a believer, the books of James and Jude works best.

5. Wisdom is profitable to direct. If you need heavenly wisdom here on earth then the book of Proverbs covers all of that and the book of Ecclesiastes sheds more light on the reality of vanities in life.

6. The book of Psalms is filled with praises and all sorts of amazing prayers to God. If you want to be awestruck of who God is, then this book would take you through this beautiful journey.

7. The book of Jonah teaches us how good God is from the old testament perspective.

8. Understanding persecution in the early church and how Apostle Paul operated in the early church is seen in the book of Acts.

9. The book of Genesis especially with the first 3 chapters teaches us about how sin came into this world.

10. Not to be biased but the book of Daniel has several life lessons for Christians.

God bless you 💕💕

6 thoughts on “I’ll Love To Know, What Book Of The Bible Should I Study?

  1. Debbie Tuase says:

    Wow, I really needed something like this, but there are still some times that you just don’t know where to read even with options, what do you do in that situation?

    • Gladys Ogundele's Diary says:

      Okay thank you very much,
      And Debbie whenever you get confused on what book of the Bible to read, what you can do is;
      1. Pray about it and funny enough you’ll feel the need to read a particular book of the Bible, that’s the power of prayer as well as the work of the Holy Spirit.

      2. Equally, you could start learning about those Bible stories which we learnt when we were little afresh starting from the creation story, to the story of Abraham, Joseph etc… because you can never know enough of them.

      3. Looking at the season you are in your life too helps. For example, if you are at a season when you are learning to have faith, then you could read stories in the Bible pertaining to faith. I’ll not lie but google help too, sometimes you can google books of the Bible on topics you need to read on.

      Most importantly do not neglect praying about it and God would definitely come through for you.

  2. Uche Liv says:

    I love this! Everyone should reference this. I remember before my birthday last month I was praying to God for wisdom for the coming year and I wanted to study the word but I didn’t know where exactly to read. So I just opened my Bible randomly and stumbled on Proverbs 4. What a wonderful experience! Words wouldn’t catch it properly. In other words ehn just ask the Holy Spirit for direction and wherever he leads you just obey.

    • Gladys Ogundele's Diary says:

      The Holy Spirit is the absolute best in everything and I always wonder what life would be like without the Holy Spirit honestly.

      And God bless you for yielding to the Holy Spirit too because it pays to obey him.
      God bless you for taking out time to read this post 💕💕💕

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