I’ll Love To Know, Is It Compulsory For Christians To Worship In A Church?

  • Pastors always exploit their church members.
  • Churches are filled with hypocrites
  • I can worship God in the comfort of my house because he is everywhere.
  • I don’t like church dramas.

These statements above are the most common reasons why people have decided not to worship in churches.


In today’s post, I’ll be answering ‘If it’s compulsory for Christians to worship in church’. To answer this question in the most candid way, I’ll say it’s beneficial for every believer to worship in a church as found in Hebrews 10:25, NLT: “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”

This answer is cliché, right?

To buttress this point, I’ll be giving you more reasons why worshipping with other believers in a church is highly important.

1. Every Christian needs a Prophet or a Pastor. In the old testament, the tribe of Levi were the ordained priests because God saw the need for prophets. I’m sorry but you can’t Pastor yourself at every point in your Christian walk. The Bible in the book of 2 Chronicles 20:20 talks about the blessing attached to listening to your prophet.

2. You cannot do Christianity alone because you are not an island. Jesus had the 3, then 12, then 72, and even the thousands who he discipled. There’s no account in the Bible where Jesus did this Christian faith alone. The Bible says two are better than one in the book of Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

And where two or three are gathered in his name, he is always there (Mathew 18:20).

3. Jesus started preaching in the temple at the age of 12. On countless occasions, we saw that Jesus taught in the temple and not in people’s individual houses because he knew the fellowship together could not be forsaken.

4. The church is a body and not everyone can have all the spiritual gifts. We individually complement each other for the service of God altogether and, one of the best places where you can use your spiritual gift is in the church.

5. God knew the benefit of the church and he established the church himself. This is so because Christianity is not a religion you can always do alone. The way you need a teacher to teach a course for you to attain a degree in school is as important as worshipping in a church to grow in the faith.

All the letters Paul and James wrote were always to the church and not to individual people because the church is to help everyone collectively.

6. For unbelievers yearning to find Christ, the church is the easiest place for them to understand Christ. Sometimes they cannot grow on their own and that’s why we have Church. The church is like a hospital, it’s a place where unbelievers grow to become better.

7. The church is your second family. That’s why we have brothers and sisters in Christ being used to address believers in the Bible. That community of like-minded Christians are best found in the church.

The benefits of a being part of a church out weights the benefits of worshipping alone.

I pray this post opens your eyes to see things differently.

1 thoughts on “I’ll Love To Know, Is It Compulsory For Christians To Worship In A Church?

  1. Deborah D. Olayiwola says:

    Thanks for this honey!
    Number three stuck out
    “ Jesus started preaching in the temple at the age of 12. On countless occasions, we saw that Jesus taught in the temple and not in people’s individual houses because he knew the fellowship together could not be forsaken.”
    Because you never know the message for you from the pastor in church

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