# Masturbation Palaver

‘Episode 2’ The Devil is a Liar

The most popular and yet accurate fact about the devil is the fact that he is a liar. Like many of us, whenever we know a pathetic liar we avoid them like a plague and so should we with the schemes of the devil. Let us establish the fact that the devil is a silly liar of which you would know why as we go further into this post.

I have hot tea for everyone.

I’ll love you to carry a quick exercise for me, pick up your device to Google the benefits of masturbating and you would be shocked as to how such a sinful act now has scientific benefits especially for one’s health, and this is exactly why I said the devil is a liar because werey dey disguise.


It is the act of touching your private part or the stimulation of the genitals with the hand, objects or toys for sexual pleasure. Basically, this means having sex with yourself which defeats the purpose for which God created sex.

Before you roll your eyes and call me a church girl or think ‘this church people have come again’ I want you to hear me out, I myself had a past which I can boldly call my testimony. I started watching pornography at the age of 11 ( You can imagine) and the act of watching pornography came with its bundle package called masturbation, there is no way you would watch pornography without also masturbating because it’s a bundle, just like the buy one get one free promo. With all of this going on at such a young age for me, I knew something was wrong with me and I definitely needed help.

Of course, I was too ashamed to talk about this problem with anyone and I remained mute just like you if you currently masturbate. I hated how I felt after I would have indulged in this act, well the after math for me was feeling so dirty, sinful and I felt God was disgusted at me, in short I stopped praying because I felt hypocritical.

The spirit of lust is highly demonic and this horrible spirit comes with pornography, masturbation, and all sorts of sexual immoralities. Well, let me tell you what lust does to the soul, for example while you are supposed to be thinking about making money moves or doing great things for the Kingdom of God, all your mind would be clouded with would be lust. Before you can say Jack Robinson, you’ll loose hold of your self control and you’ll start to isolate yourself just to indulge in this sin because this kind of sin thrives best in secrecy.

The Devil’s kingdom is called the kingdom of darkness and it get why.

Agenda must agend

Did I mention that lying follows suit because you would lie at every point to be alone just to watch porn and masturbate. I was mistaken when I said buy one and get one free, it now becomes a case of buy one and get one million extra sins free. The wages of sin is death, I guess every sin isn’t free because without Christ there is a penalty to pay.

Do you know it does not end there? It becomes a case of let me explore what I am watching after all after a classroom example comes the examination and this is where fornication now plays out. I hope I have been able to convince you that the devil is a liar. Now he has glorified masturbation and you’ll hear all sorts of cock and blue tales on how this act helps alleviate stress. If you are reading this post and you are addicted to maturating and pornography, I have good news for you because you are not without help, the Holy Spirit is willing and ready to help you once you accept him into your life. The con and the danger of this sinful acts out weights the benefits which the devil has sold to you or lies being backed up medically.

Breaking free from this sin has Practicable solutions

1. You must learn to guard your heart diligently if you want to break free off this kind of sin. You are not physically strong to resist this sin and it is important to flee far away from any appearance of sin once you smell it. When the Bible say flee from every appearance of sin, God knew that was the best solution. Not to be a buzz kill but must you must not watch every single movie or series? my dear, there’s no award. I currently do not watch Bridgerton because a little bird told me that so many raunchy scenes are in the series, you ‘wee’ not die from fleeing.

2. Learn to be vulnerable with the Holy Spirit and include him on this journey. Your pursuit towards sexual purity is best done with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit alone. Not by strength shall any man prevail, yes allow the Holy Spirit to help you and constantly keep praying about it and talking about your struggles with God.

3. Spend your time with people and avoid being alone unnecessary. An idle man is the devil’s workshop isn’t an old tale that should be discarded, it is a fact which I have tested. Avoid being idle and avoid being alone for the most part of your time. In fact be as busy as a bee because idleness leads to laziness and laziness is not good. Pick up a difficult task to keep your mind occupied for the most time especially if you have ample time at hand.

4. Share your addiction with your leaders in the church or with a spiritual friend who you trust and yes I said so. One of the greatest steps for breaking free off addictions is confessing it out loud to someone who can equally pray for and with you and who would keep you accountable too. Confessing your sin to another is biblical and it always yields great results. When ever you feel like masturbating, why not call up this friend or leader to keep your mind busy and to pray with you until the urge vanishes.

5. Carry the consciousness that your body is the temple of God and you would not want to defile the temple of Christ. With this consciousness you’ll begin to break free from this addiction slowly. Remind yourself constantly about how displeased God is with this sin and you’ll realize how you would not enjoy this act. Constantly affirm to your body that it is the temple of God and you are no longer a slave to sin.

6. Breathe ! Take each day one day at a time and remember you are not a slave to sin anymore.

7. Take practicable steps too. If you need to sleep earlier then sleep earlier, if you need to stop reading some kind of novels please stop, if you need to unfollow some pages then unfollow them. You can’t allow yourself to be controlled by the flesh, no no no.

8. Do not run away from God even when you slip off, God hates the sin not the sinner and he does not want you to run, instead go back to God because with him in this journey it only gets better. Even when you sin, do not stop praying to God, the cancel culture does not exist with God, God can never cancel you while you are still on earth.

Remember I too was an expert in this sin and God has delivered me because who the son sets free is free indeed.

I want you to bear it in mind that you are not without help and if need me to pray for you you can email me at (oyindamolagladys@gmail.com)

I love you and God loves you even more.

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4 thoughts on “# Masturbation Palaver

  1. Wuche says:

    Damn!!!! This write up hit differently. It got to my soul. I won’t lie, this sin still dwells with me, hopefully I’d be released soon. No longer will I be a slave to sin!!!

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