My Favorite and Top Christian Youtubers

90% of the time I would be caught watching youtube videos because I love how brief, concise and informative youtube videos are for me. After I got saved, I started looking for Christian YouTubers especially during the lockdown and these YouTubers have the most edifying content for me.

In no order of priority, I’ll be sharing my top favorite Christian YouTubers at this stage in my life.

1. Fademi Adeoye: She is a mother, a wife, a woman in ministry, an accountant and she is a woman of God who wears many caps. Fun fact, YouTube recommended her video on a day I needed her video which was during the lock-down. Her sit-down videos would get you glued to the screen, the first day I found her channel, I ended up binge-watching at least ten(10) of her videos that night.

Direct link to her channel

2. Tolulope Solutions: Mama solutions aka Mrs. Tolulope Adejumo is another great Christian Youtuber who I love to watch, in short, her videos are solutions to Christians as well. She’s also a wife, a mother, and an enterprising woman of God. She films about faith, motherhood, and lifestyle and one thing I am also glued to is her beautiful dimples. I doubt you would not love her as well.

A link to her channel

3. Mildred KingsleyOkonkwo: Pastor Mildred is the wife of the popular relationship pastor, Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo and she is mama wisdom in my own words. When I need to receive godly counsel from a wise woman of God, you’ll find me on her channel receiving sense. I love her strong-willed personality as well as the wisdom she’s always dishing out on her channel. I enjoy watching older women of God and she is one of my favourites.

This is the link to her channel

4. Milena Ciciotti: She has the most aesthetically pleasing Christian content to watch. I found her first video on sexual purity even before I was on that joinery and I was hooked on how great her editing is. Did I mention she got married so young and now she is a great mother as well. I love how young and wise she is, as well as the aesthetics of her video. Her channel is so soothing to watch at all times.

The Link to her channel

5. The Edwards Family: If you love to see Christian families strive and live-out godly homes then this channel is for you. I have been following up with them since their dating days and now they have two beautiful sons 😍. They are a Christian couple who also got married young and watching this family grow has been such a delight for me. Kyrah the wife is an introvert and her personality reminds me of myself.

The link to the family’s channel

6. Crowned in faith: Her name is Nia Cerise who is also a young evangelist. Her boldness for the gospel and her love for Christ is something I admire. She lives boldly for God and on her channel all her contents are also really edifying. If you are new in the Christian faith as well, her contents is what you need to be feeding on. Her love for Christ and the way she is sold out for Christ inspires me greatly.

The Link to her channel

7. Princess Audu: She is a Christian fashion blogger which is why I love her channel. In short, she is a Christian creative and I love to see creatives living boldly for Christ. She’s a great modest fashion blogger and I love copying her style too. And did I mention that I love her voice equally. Her channel has a whole lot lifestyle content and fashion videos, it is a delight seeing a Christian living her best life.

Link to her channel

8. Ashley Empowers: She is a beautiful woman and I was intrigued by her beauty when I found her channel. She’s a beautiful Christian wife and mom who is also vulnerable about relationships. She shares a lot of tips on godly dating and doing life God’s way. It’s amazing to see beautiful and fashionable Christian women who are also living their best lives for God. I love how honest and candid all her videos are for every single Christian.

The link to her channel

9. Beauty for Ashes: My first video of her was her testimony of getting married to her husband in 6weeks and how God had prepared her for it, that wasn’t what stood out to me, it was her level of obedience and relationship with God, which got me so intrigued. I love that she shares helpful tips and encourages every believer in all of her videos. She’s one You Tuber I watch when I feel stuck with my relationship with God.

10. Tosin Alabi: I started following her channel shortly after she got married and I must say, she is someone I can watch all day. She talks about God with so much delight and vigor, now she is also a godly mom living for God in the best possible way. I love her sit down videos because it’s filled with wisdom all round. She’s a role model for every Christian lady, plus she has some great hair and food tutorials as well which is a bonus for us.

This is the link to her channel

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