ABC Guide in Attaining Sexual Purity

Staying sexually pure can be a walk in the park with the power of the Holy Spirit by following all the ABC steps enlisted below;

A- Abstain from sex by making a conscious decision to stay abstinent until marriage;

B- Be content in your waiting season. Do not idolize being married, enjoy your waiting season and stay content in it;

C- Cast all your cares to God. From time to time share your worries with Abba because by strength shall no man prevail;

D- Do not compromise your values, do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever;

E- Expect God’s best and do not settle for less;

F- Flee all appearances of evil. Sexual sins should not be fought with, it should be fled from;

G- God sees your struggles. Never feel like you are alone, always pray about your struggles because he sees them all;

H- Have an accountability partner because two are better than one. Have a Godly friend you would always stay accountable to;

I- Imagine God as your husband and take an extra step to see God as your husband, that way you would flee sexual sins because you do not want to hurt your husband;

J- Just be patient, sex is to be enjoyed in the confines of marriage and it would not hurt to wait till the right time;

K- Know your worth, you were bought with an expensive price which is the blood of Jesus, do not give in to sexual sins easily;

L- Live purposefully for Abba every day, this is a conscious step to take daily;

M- Marry because it is God’s will not because you want to have sex. Good sex alone is not capable of keeping your marriage, date intelligently during this season;

N- No would save your life. Do not be afraid to say No to your body when it is asking you to give into sin because you are now dead to your flesh.

O- Obedience is a sign you love Abba. Obey this instruction not out of fear but because you love God and believe God is not punishing you;

P- Pornography does more harm than good. Prayerfully break free off pornography because it damages your self-image;

Q- Questions do not hurt, when you are confused or feel alone, ask God questions and ask leaders or spiritual mature friends’ questions. Sometimes unanswered questions lead to curiosity, therefore never fail to ask questions.

R- Rest in the finished works of Christ, you are no longer a slave to sin, and remember your why always. Never forget why you are staying sexually pure in the first place;

S- Salvation is your why. Because you are saved you are no longer a slave to sin and this is inclusive of overcoming sexual sins;

T- Think about the repercussions of sexual sins. Now the guilt and the repercussion of sexual sins is always not worth it on the long run;

U- Understand you have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of you who would always be there to help you, you are never alone and this is something you should always rejoice for;

V- Value your relationship with God above any earthly relationship, be like Joseph who valued his relationship with God above a fling with Potiphar’s wife;

W- Wear the whole armor of God daily and do not let your guards down, this would prevent you from falling for the trap of the devil;

X- **X is never worth it if indulged in prematurely. Pre-marital sex is never worth it on the long run;

Y- Yearn to grow deeper in Christ and yearn for a better relationship with God. As you grow in Christ, your love for Christ becomes stronger and better;

Z- Zealousness is never old fashion. Stay zealous with your sexual purity and by the grace of God you would be able to conquer sin.

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