Debunking Myths about Christianity

There are a few common presumptions about Christianity and I’ll be debunking them today, some would be turn out to be true while some would be false about.

Myths about Christianity

1. There are some Christians who would be in Hell-Fire: The answer to this is false, you may or you may not have raised an eyebrow for this, well no Christian would be found in hellfire. A Christian is anyone who is Christ-like, and to become Christ-like you have to be saved, and then again, for you to be saved you have to have believe in your heart and confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, also every Christian is saved by faith through grace. Anyone who is Christ-like and has believed in the finished works of Christ can never go to hellfire because the Bible says so. Yes some people camouflage themselves as Christians, and false people under the guise of Christianity who also never believed are the ones who would be found in hell, but not Christians. Christians are only people have believed in Christ, unfortunately many unsaved people call themselves Christians as an allegiance to a particular religion, this set of people if they die unsaved would not make heaven. True Christians are only people who have believed and none of us would be found in hell.

2. Christians can lose their salvation: The simple answer is false. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever shall believe in him shall have eternal life. Eternal life is what it is, it is called eternal life, not temporal life. When the Bible says believing in Jesus guarantees you eternal life, then it means you cannot lose it. Also, salvation is a free gift from God that cannot be retrieved. You cannot work out your salvation by your good works, this can be done through faith. Ephesians 2:8 says that ‘For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift’.

3. True Christians cannot fall sick: I have heard this countless times from people and this is false, false, false, and false. Being saved does not make you immune from sicknesses and diseases. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a Christian getting sick, Lazarus who was a friend of Jesus fell ill and died, yet this is the best part of it, our faith in the power of Jesus can heal us. As a human being and as a saved being too, there is nothing abnormal about falling ill as Christians, we are not without hope because we can get healed which is the bright side of it. Nobody is any less a believer for falling sick.

4. Christians would enjoy perfect lives on earth: As a Christian, your life would not be perfect, in short, the Bible records that Christians would have many troubles on earth for following Christ, do not believe that because you are saved you would have a perfect life here on earth. As a Christian, condition your mind to expect trials and tribulations just because you are living for Christ. Job in the Bible lost everything because the Devil saw him as a faithful son of God. The beautiful book of James says in James 1:2-8 thatCount it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. .

5. Christians can never lust after the flesh: Lori iro (it’s a lie), the Bible says do not tempt the Lord your God. I want you not to give in to the flesh, but sometimes the devil flashes lust over the face of a Christian to temp such person. David lusted which led to sin, Solomon lusted and he had numerous concubines. No Christian is above lust, but we have the power to conquer. Flee all appearances of evil because evil is going to come someday. Christians can be tempted to lust but we have the same power to overcome lust of the flesh.

6. Not all Christians need to preach the Gospel: Before I answer this, I’ll love to ask, who would preach the Gospel if not Christians? Hey dear Believer, every single believer was given the responsibility to preach, in short, that is our primary purpose here on earth which is to know Christ and to make Him known all over the earth. The great commission of preaching the gospel is for every single Christian and not just evangelist alone. Mathew 28 says that “19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

7. On the Last Day, a big screen would play everybody’s lives on earth: I’ll love you to carry out a quick exercise for me, and research on where was this recorded in the Bible, the answer is nowhere. After death is judgment dear, lol if your amebo self wants to hear everybody’s gist on the last day, then this expectation would surely be cut short. After death comes judgment for everyone and there is no big screen anywhere in heaven. God records that he would judge the whole world but never did he mention a big screen, my dear reader rest, lol you are most likely not going to see any big screen on the last day.

8. Christians can worship God and pray in their houses alone therefore; Christians do not need to worship in the churchGod said it is not good for man to be alone, so why would you prefer to pray and worship God alone. Having a local church is a must for every single Christian, and why is this so? Because the Bible records that we should not forsake the fellowship with one another. More so, in the early days of the Bible, the apostles were establishing churches everywhere because Christianity is not a religion to be practiced in isolation. Image if your ears, nose, legs, and hands had separate bodies for every body organ, please how would your body function properly knowing that your body organs were separated, this applies to the body of Christ as well. This is well explained in the book of Hebrews 10:25 which says ‘not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

9. If you do not pay your tithe you would go to hell: ‘Scoffs’ Says who? Tithing is not a get-rich-quick scheme and neither would you go to hell for not paying your tithe in the church, it’s unbelief that would lead one to hell. I’ll say its important tithe because you love God and all you have is from God and not because it would lead you to hell. Tithing existed even before the law were given. Paying your tithe means you love God and see all you have as his own.

10. Christians would only be forgiven after they have asked forgiveness: If you believe this alone, that you might be placing little to no value on what God did on the cross for us. Jesus did not just die for the world, he died for our past sins, our present sins, and our future sins as well, Christ died for the sins of the whole world including the unborn. Even before you ask for forgiveness, you’ve received forgiveness on the cross.

Christians are imperfect people who reflect the life of Christ. Being a Christian does not guarantee a perfect life here on earth, the most important thing that is guaranteed for every Christians here on earth is eternal life.

1 thoughts on “Debunking Myths about Christianity

  1. Winifred Ben says:

    I would have raised an eyebrow at the “some Christians will be in hell point”, but you did justice to it. Only Christians who worship God in spirit and in truth, which is why we must get rid of carnality in our lives. It’s not by power, but by the spirit.

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