101 common blogging mistakes

On the 7th of July 2018 I picked up my Techno phone and published by first ever blog post, my Joy that day knew no bound, and I was went with the flow in my few years of blogging. My love for blogging over the years has grown and boy oh boy I must confess, I made a lot of mistakes which I would be glad to share with intending bloggers.

These are the Top Blogging Mistakes I made over the years

  1. Not starting early enough: This is my biggest regret on this journey. Blogging is one thing I have started and I have never doubted nor regretted. Being a blogger has opened my eyes to many things such as learning to edit better and being a better writer. I wish I started blogging early enough, well it’s better late than never.
  2. Not actively being part of a community of blogger: Whew, I can go on and on about why you would not grow grow in isolation. When I started blogging, I had no blogger friend who I could ask for help , of which led me to make avoidable mistakes. Experience is the best teacher which is my consolation till date.
  3. Not seeing my blog as a brand: I used to see my blog as something I had to do for the fun of it,now I know better, my blog is a brand, Gladys Diary is not just a name but also a brand. If I had earlier treated my blog as a brand then I would have taken it way more seriously than I did , I would definitely have invested more into my blog. Moving forward, I have started treating my blog as a brand and not just an ordinary blog.
  4. Taking unnecessary breaks: When I started blogging, I would take so many breaks off my blog knowing fully well that I did not need those breaks . I had a bad habit of abandoning my blog especially when I did not see good views. As I have grown, I know my blog is a ministry and it would be irresponsible for me to be taking unnecessary breaks now and then, I take this ministry as seriously as I ought to.
  5. Not talking about my blog enough: I had this habit of not associating myself with my blog, hence I barely spoke about my blog to other people. I did not take my identity as also being a blogger seriously, looking at it now I most likely did not rate myself. If you are a blogger, shamelessly talk about your blog to anyone who cares to listen, share the links to your blog to as many people as you can, and never stop talking about this God-given brand of yours.
  6. Not involving God in my blog early enough: It wasn’t until last year (2020) that I fully transitioned into a faith blogger, if only I knew better, I would have involved God in my blog early enough. Before transitioning into a faith blogger, I was running on vibes a with my blog, I never prayed about my blog, and neither did I deem it fit to seek God’s direction in this blog, I hated the outcome of not involving God. One thing I know for sure, even if I niche into something else, God must be involved in it.
  7. Not making money as a blogger: There are a million and one things I could do as a blogger which I can make money off but I never made a dime off all my numerous skills and talents, what a shame. I am here to tell you that I make logos, flyers, banners, and posters, I am now your plug if you need any. Imagine me sleeping under a bicycle when I harness all these great skills. Moving forwards this year, I am open to collaborating with brands who intend to work with me.
  8. Not seeing views as real persons: There was a phase as a blogger I used to worry about the number of views I got from a post, and it never dawned on me that those views were from real people. Now even if I get 50 views alone, I know these are 50 real people reading my post. This change in mind-set whenever I check my views makes me to always translate views as people, and even if I get just a view, I know it’s a real person who visited my blog.

I am so glad to have been blogging for this long and thank you for sticking with me as well. This year expect the best kind of content from me because I am here to serve you, cheers!

I HAVE MY DOMAIN NAME YAY (You can tell that I am excited).

Do not forget you are a royal, you are special and you are the apple of God’s eyes.

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