7 Simple Acts of Self-care to Practice Daily

The goal of self-care is to be intentional about how you live your life daily, you can’t just live as though you have no control of anything, live intentionally each day with these self care tips.

1. Wake up early: If you are someone who struggles with unproductivity during the day, start your day early enough. Set an alarm and chose an early time of the day to start your day and by doing this, you would have enough quiet time to yourself. Waking up early sets the tone for your day because you get to wake up to peace and calmness, also you can think better when everyone’s not up yet and starting your day early helps you finish up your task early as well.

2. Make your bed first thing in the morning and open curtains or window blinds: There is something about seeing a well laid bed that makes you less interested in going back to bed. Right after making your bed, your brain signals that it is time to get ready for the day, I would recommend opening up your curtain and allowing light comes into your room, seeing how bright the day is getting gives you a sense that time is ticking already.

3. Invest in fragrances or aromatherapy: This ranges from incense, to diffusers, to scented candles, essential oils, room fragrances, linen or fabric sprays and perfumes in general. What you smell affects how you think and how you feel. Fragrances are powerful at setting your mood in the right desired way, for example, that rose-scented candle can give you a sense of peace, or lighting up a scented candled that smells like coffee gives you productivity vibes. Invest in how you smell and how your environment smells because this would largely affect your mood. There is nothing better than waking up to or coming back to a house that smells amazing.

4. Decluttering: Giving out things and taking out what you do not need is one of the best forms of self-care you can give to yourself and this is a way of creating space around you. For your well-being and for your mental health, give out everything you do not need and create more space for yourself.

5. Reduce daily screen time: This is hard for everyone including myself. There should be a limit to the amount of time you spend on your screen. Excessive screen time is unhealthy for your eyes and your brain. Set limits on how long you spend online interacting with people and spend more time in your physical world.

6. Pray first thing in the morning: The best way to protect your peace each day is by starting your day with God, soak in the word of God and God’s voice and allow God to set the tone for how your day would be. If you have a habit of scrolling through social media before praying, you just might be shooting yourself in the leg because this single act can lead you to see the wrong thing which is capable of spoiling your mood. Imagine the first thing you see when you wake up is bad news all over social media? Don’t you think starting your day off with God would help you to handle and tackle every problem that would pose itself all through your day?

7. Make sufficient memories: There is no such thing as too much memory. You would always look back at every day and reflect. Learn to make videos, take pictures, journal and keep these memories for posterity sake. In the good, and ugly days, make memories by taking pictures or videos which you can always look back at to remind yourself how much you’ve grown.

2 thoughts on “7 Simple Acts of Self-care to Practice Daily

  1. Aido says:

    Hi Gladys. I love the self care tips but I can’t help but wonder about people that can’t afford to have a room all to themselves or invest in nice diffusers and etc. How do they go about their own self care?

    • gladysdiary says:

      Hi Favour, hmm this one in different. The goal is investing in aromatherapist, a substitute could be getting a scented candle for yourself , or humidifiers and an essential oil you like.

      Also, room sprays or perfumes can equally do the magic. It mustn’t be something big.

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