
Hey sunshines😍😍😍,

How have y’all been and once again sweethearts , thanks for encouraging me by reading my posts and leaving amazing comments which were heart melting , and if you don’t know, that means the world to me.

Now I’ll love to make an almost accurate guess, I know I’m not the only one who makes a wish almost everytime 11:11 is sighted on the clock.

Yes I know someone makes a wish once it’s 11:11 and funny enough, for me ,it always turns out to be a coincidence, is that the same for you?, I bet you don’t consciously plan to make a wish at 11:11.

At some of my weird moments, there are times whereby, once it’s a few minutes past 11, I love to wait till 11:11 to make my wish, oya confession time😜😜, I hope I am not the only weirdo that does this. If you do this once in a while please comment so we can know ourselves 😁😁 in the comment section .

After I made a wish at 11:11pm on this particular day, Inquisitively, I wanted to know why 11:11 is usually considered to carry some aura of luck, that makes our wishes come true , I mean that’s not the only reoccurring time on the clock, we have reoccurring times like 10:10,11:11 and 12:12. Then, I decided to research on that . (Thank God for google sha 🙌)

Oh yes…

What I found , was quite interesting because different people had diverse opinions on this as well as a lot of personal theories on it, and I equally decided to come up with my own theory, and with a mischievous smile, I said to myself ‘Gladys,I think this is the time to make your own theory since its your blog’ .

Who can’t wait to see my theory?, ehen now raise your hand wherever you are if you are anticipating to see it ✋🙌🤚🤚 .

Anyways, before I jump to my own theory ,I’ll like to give alittle summary of what I researched on the internet;

It’s a common belief that 1111 means that your thoughts are manifesting quickly, so choose your thoughts (make a wish) when you see 1111. I think that’s a bit simplistic.

More to it, it’s believed that 11:11 is an angelic number, so if you are trying to make a decision, and peradventure you coincidentally see 11:11, then it means you should make your decision based on the option which falls on 11:11.

Equally, whenever you feel doubtful and you have praying for that particular thing with hope, then coincidentally it’s 11:11, it’s believed that such prayer has been answered.

Now let’s move on to Glady’s theory, my favorite part😋 ;

According to a certain philosopher named Miss Gladys, she said 11:11 signifies luck because ;

Eleven itself has 3 syllabus. And no other reoccurring time on the clock when spelt alphabetically is a 3 syllabic word, look at ten ten (10:10), you see it has only one syllable , twelve twelve tooo (12:12)is just a 2 syllabic word . In short, count 1-12 on the wall clock, and it’s only 11, that’s has 3 syllables when spelt alphabetically. This means, the number 11, is the most unique of them all.

11 being a 3 syllabic word, and 3 being a lucky number to Gladys signifies double luck with the double 11s which is 11:11.

That’s why I still make my silly wishes the most at that time.

Question :Gladys is a genius, isn’t she?

Answer :Yes she is.

I’ll finally end on this note . Well guys, in as much as we love making wishes at 11:11am or pm, there’s a better time to make our wish .


Thanks for reading this post, and please don’t forget to leave a comment, 😘😘.

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