Hey sunshines,

I’m specially taking out today to thank you for being amazing.

Fun fact about me, I talk to much, but, today I’ll love to hit the nail on the head.

I’ll love to talk about reading.

Oh yes, I know reading can be boringggggggggggggggg.

However I believe there’s a book for everyone, and No, I’m not talking about school books or shool text books, of course majority of us read school books because we ought to read them.

No I mean reading for fun, because you feel like, and because you enjoy reading.

Why should we read?

Don’t get it twisted, I’m so not talking about school books 📚. Or reading in school to pass exam or to gain more school knowledge.

I’m talking about the importance of reading for the fun of it.

1. Read for fun.

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. -Charles W. Elio-

Read because you want to have fun with yourself. That way, you are enjoying your presence and increasing your horizon. That book mustn’t be voluminous and I bet you’ll enjoy hanging out with yourself and at the end of the day you’ve learnt something.

2. Read to increase your vocabulary. A little secret about me. Back in secondary school, I enjoyed reading the dictionary and looking at pictures most especially and at the same time I was picking new words out.

3. Read to exercise the brain.

Reading goes along side with imagination. You are definitely teaching the brain the art of concentration.

How’s does this work?

When reading, you literally imagine what you’ve read and sometimes play the scene in your head, afterwards you continue reading. I stand to be corrected, however I strongly believe that you can’t be reading and imagining it without concentrating. Hence while doing that, you brain is learning how to concentrate.

My friend Liss equally observed that, some of the best students in our class are always seen with a novel of course reading it. I totally believe their brains already mastered the art of concentrating.

4. Read to increase your horizon.

The art of reading is in great part that of acquiring a better understanding of life from one’s encounter with it in a book. | André Maurois

More often than not, people say experience is the best teacher and some say it mustn’t be your experience you must learn from. You can equally learn from others

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