It’s not too late too !!!

Hey sunshine,

I have missed you soooooooooo much, and I hope you missed me too.

Well today, I’ll love to share excerpts from my book of the month which I am reading at the moment, and it’s quite motivating. The name of the book is๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

I definitely must say this book is a must have, for every one.

Let me be honest with you, I started this book yesterday ,and it’s only the introductionary part of the book I have gone past, and just that part alone is enough content for this post.

Snippets of motivations which I’ll love to share includes ;

1. There’s always an exception to the general rule (definitely law students can relate to this alot๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜€). Bishop T.D Jakes illustrated this perfectly using the Write brothers( the brothers who invented aeroplane). Just look at this, the both of them defyed the law of gravity which says, anything that goes up must come down. Well, the aeroplane goes up and it can even stay up for 24 hours without it coming down .

Yep you can defy all odds and still make it at this point in time.

(I love this tweet so much๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ )

2. The journey isn’t as glamourous as it looks , however, you’ll get to your destination at the end . I’ll keep using Bishop T. D Jake’s illustration of the aeroplane. Yes he said his first time flying with a plane wasn’t as glamourous as it looked from afar, however it was adventurous for him, and this seemingly bumpy ride took him to his destination. Me being honest, I’ll say that airflights could be rough and jolty especially during turbulence, but at the end of the day, we can all agree that it’s the fastest means of transportation and it’s takes you straight to your destination.

Your journey to success could have countless amounts of downs , however, one thing you should bear in mind, is the fact that you are definitely getting to an amazing destination at the end of it.

3. Sometimes I wonder .

Why do we pay more for air tickets than road transport fares?. And the other side of me listed the various advantages of travelling by air which includes it’s comfort, it’s speed etc. Then I figured that nothing good comes cheap. There’s always a price for everything good.

Therefore if you are paying so much price just to achieve something, you’ll get it in due time, because nothing good comes cheap.

4. You can only travel by air when the weather is at its best, and so does this apply to landing. Yes I have being on a 6 hours flight which eventually became more than 7 hours. Unfortunately that day ,it rained fire and brimstone and the rain did not want to stop, and the pilot decided to gallavant on air till the coast was clear and immediately the weather got better we landed .

Hey you, you might be wondering why you’ve not reached your designated destination which you’ve aimed for. Maybe the coast isn’t clear and I know you’ll love an amazing result. Therefore, be a little patient and you’ll achieve your aim at the right time.

5. Bishop T.D. Jakes said something remarkable in his book which struck me. He said;

Flight is possible even for those who are emotionally, financially and creatively fatigued. You can take your vision, build it into something remarkable, and reach heights you could never have imagined.

If you doubt my faith in such flight for your life, then consider the wind-invisible yet powerful enough to level.

And I literally fell in love with this part. Hey sunshine, you are truly a light and it’s not impossible to achieve what you want to achieve, therefore it’s only impossible when you fail to start.

6. Finally I’ll love to tell you something you’ve heard. The sky is wide enough for all birds to fly. There’s no limitation for any bird in the sky , and so does this apply to you. Nothing should limit you from flying towards your goal because the sky is wide enough for all wings to fly.

Thank you for reading this post and I hope you were as motivated as me .


0 thoughts on “It’s not too late too !!!

  1. Gbenga Ogundele says:

    Honestly, your write ups are amazing.
    The good Lord will continue increasing you in wisdom & knowledge ijn.
    I love u my Damsel!

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