A step closer to your resolutions

Hey sunshine,

Happy independence to every one. I hope you are enjoying this public holiday?. As far me, I’m having lectures today because my uni doesn’t recognise public holidays, and today’s a Monday, therefore it’s officially a pretty busy one for me.

This post is centred on focus. Yes darl, you heard me accurately.

The year is officially ending if you don’t know that, and I’ll love you to go back to your new year resolutions so it doesn’t take it’s toll on us when our resolutions are unfulfilled. My dear friend, take a look at those unfulfilled resolutions. ( I’m literally cringing because this year ran toooo fast, I mean when did I shout happy New year, and now it’s already October).

Basically this post is an accute guide on how to fulfull those resolutions before the end of the year,I mean, just picture how proud you’ll be at new years eve with these fulfilled goals.

You are not alone because I equally have a few unfulfilled goals, therefore this post is for us all, because we are all in this together;

1. First and foremost get planners; which could either be on your phone, or you could purchase really good planners / physical planners (Hunny better late than never). Well I use some planning apps on my phone and these planners have being of help to me so far so good.

2. Get a partner(s) to achieve this with you; if there are goals you can do with someone, get a partner(s),” after all the bible says 1 shall kill a thousand and 2 shall kill ten thousands”. Let me use myself for example, I’m trying to shed a few pounds and I got a workout buddy, and so far so good, we’ve being able to keep tabs on each other . Therefore try achieving your goals with someone with similar goals as you.

3. A Human reminder; Silence they say is golden, however, sometimes let a very close friend or a family member about that goal you badly want to achieve . You need to tell that individual to act as a constant reminder for you. And that person would constantly keep reminding of your goal (preferably your mom lol) , because mom’s surely know how to remind us of things constantly.

4. Promise yourself a reward or punishment; make a reward and a punishment for unfulfilled goals at the end of the year. For instance, so far so good, if I can achieve some goals for this year, I’ve promised myself a treat to a restaurant I fancy so much , however if I fail to achieve my goal, then there would be no treat for me ( and i’m really itching to take myself for that treat).

5. Get a calender ;Yes dear, get a hard copy calender to tick the days your goals have being achieved, if you intend to achieve a daily kind of goal , and honestly this works perfectly for me because I don’t like to see an unticked day, especially for a flimsy excuse, therefore it’s a daily strive to achieve that goal. For example, I try to read a book every day , therefore I always tick the days I was able to read on my calender, and that has being helpful for me.

For now, that’s all I can think of, I’ll equally love to hear some of the methods you intend to apply at achieving your resolutions before the year runs out, and I’ll genuinely love to here them .

Thanks for reading this post.


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