Beauty Cord

Hello sunshine,

I’m genuinely sooo sooo sorry for my inconsistency lately. I’m a student first and foremost, therefore; I’m always caught up with school ish, equally lack of good network has being a hinderence , and nowadays I just publish when the network favours me.

With these few points of mine 🤗🤗🤗, I hope I’m forgiven for my inconsistency.

Let’s head straight to the order of the day🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️👇👇 .

This post is a mini solution for beauty lovers here. (Did I say mini🤫, this is actually a large solution.)

💄. Have you being admiring your favourite high end and drug store make-up products?

💄. Have you being looking for that legit store where these products are sold ,

💄. If you have , are you doubting if that store is legit ( fake products are like poison to the face ).

💄. Are you equally looking for that perfect online store with the best prices you can ever thing of?


Well well well, let me burst your head👼. You need not to wait till that family member or friend of yours is coming back to Nigeria, before you can get that makeup you’ve being dreaming off.

This is because, *drumroll please😍😍🥁🥁🥁* there’s an online store that can work this magic for you and I’ll give you three reasons why you should shop from this store ;

1. This store has all the authentic beauty products you need.

2. The store delivers nation wide (around Nigeria).

3. You equally get to purchase the products for the best prices you could ever think of.

A little icing on the cake, is the fact that the customer service is great. I mean how many online stores puts the prices for each product on their page. We all know how tiring it is to keep sending dms to a seller about each product🙄

Finally, you’ve equally got the amazing opportunity of preordering your favourite product, if it’s not available

Oya head straight to their page to shop now👇👇

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