My learns from 2018

Hey sunshine, happy New year 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 from me to you.

This is basically my first post on my blog this year, therefore I’m officially wishing you a happy New year , and I pray this year givesus the best of it’s fruit.

I’m equally soo excited today hun , because my blog is 6 months today , 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁, and this blogging adventure has really really being an amazing one for me , of course with you in it.

This post is basically going to be straight forward , I’ll love to share with you what I learnt in 2018 from my own experience.

1. If you yearn to know God more, he has his way of revealing himself to you.

2. Just the way change is constant, loss and gains are equally also constant, you tend to loose and you gain something unplanned for.

3. People only tell you what they want you to hear , which may not necessarily be true, don’t totally believe what people say.

4. No matter what you do, good or bad, people would still talk and make comments on it. Therefore; please do you at all times.

5. Plans may not work out, however that plan you’ve made to reach your goal, could be the plan to a new goal, therefore plan towards goals, because it always bring result.

6. Be real with people at all times, if they aren’t real with you, their true selves have a way of coming out itself.

7. Share less of your big goals with people, rather work towards

8. This is my funniest learn this year, I cannot kill myself and die.

9. Soldier go, soldier come, meaning you’ll definitely loose people and meet new ones.

10. No one’s life is as perfect as it seems, everyone’s got their own problems in life.

11. Try to make yourself as happy as possible, there are too many negativity flying everyone.

12. Before jumping into conclusions, get your fact, for law students, remember hearsay evidence isn’t admissible.

13. The people you least expect would support your hustle, and people you think would support your hustle might not even at the end of the day.

14. Voicing your opinion is key , however there are some opinions you should just swallow because it’s not worth voicing .

15. Love comes when you least expect it to come , rather when you put your mind to find love , you might end up not finding love at all. Therefore continue life normally, and love would meet you on it’s way.

16. No one can complete you except you yourself. Don’t ever think someone would complete that void space in your life, rather try to complete yourself.

17. Don’t always over think things, when you have a decision to make , think of the worst and the best , because things don’t always turn out as planned as the times.

18. Try to improve on yourself every day, as well as learn everyday because the world is evolving everyday , therefore evolve with the world .

I’ll equally love to know what you learnt in 2018 , and thank you for reading.


8 thoughts on “My learns from 2018

  1. Jessie says:

    I’ve learnt that time and experience births genuine achievements and for you to get something out of life, you have to do something about it. And lastly, you can never go wrong with God, never. Keep it up darling.

  2. baba says:

    To be honest, I learnt a lot in 2018!but most importantly, I learnt that keeping friends isn’t a big deal.if no one support you, support yourself, don’t look for comforters,comfort yourself, friends will come, I mean real ones.

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