Skinny girl in transit

Hey sunshine ,

I love the fact that you are here , and I’m specially welcoming you to my blog today. I hope you’ve subscribed to this blog of mine, and if you’ve not, I honestly wonder what you are still waiting for.

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Okay, straight up to my gist for today. And with me being honest with you, you’ll only relate to this gist if you’ve being watching skinny Girl in Transit, which is a series by Ndani tv.

PS: Most of the pictures were gotten from Ndani TV’ S page on Instagram.

And if you follow up with Skinny Girl in Transit, just know you are the real MVP, because this season 5 gave a lot of us mixed emotions .

Today I’ll love to talk about what I loved about this new season , as well as what I’ve learnt too, because it’s being way way different from other seasons .

I’ll start with the fact ,that I loved every bit of the ending of season 5. In fact, I even went back to watch the wedding scene specially, because the wedding was too lit💯💯.

1. At the beginning, when Mide (Ayo Ola) was introduced into the series, we knew him to be Mr perfecto, Mr lover lover , uncle sweet words, and , brother loving unconditionally, but right now we’ve seen him at this worst . Honestly the way Mide behaved got me gradually angry with him, he was just playing with my emotions. I love this because, the script writer taught us that no one’s perfect.

Prior to season 5 , I kept acknowledging Mide’s perfectectiom in all ramifications, and I was even praying for my own Mide, I’m glad to let myself and all of us , to know , that there’s literally no perfect person anywhere .

2. Yes oh, love is sweet and it can be sweet , but it’s not always going to be a honey pot for love birds, and I’m totally glad they’ve being able to portray this for us. In season 5, Tiwa and Mide began to handle baggages, like Mide’s supposedly son, which was a tough time for the couple, and we all know the love wasn’t sweet at that point, however at the end of it , everything ended beautifully.

3. For everyone in a relationship, remember to ask yourself where your relationship is heading to . Just like Shalewa, and Mohammed , their relationship seemed destinationless at a point. Sometimes fashi the gifts you are receiving, because at some point, those gifts would make no sense in the relationship, rather contents would be required to show the aim of the relationship.

4. We all know Woli was fake but his prophecies always had a way of coming to pass in the funniest way. I feel this means that whatever is meant to happen would alwsys have its way of happening.

5. Just like Derin, every hard core person is soft on the inside. Just look at all her shakara, and at the end her soft side come out , e.g. when Mide shouted at her and she started crying, apologising to Tiwa, as well as Derin even falling in love.

6. Mama Tiwa was honestly getting annoying in all ramifications, and she literally carried this wedding on her head. Yes it’s her first daughter’s wedding, but I’ve learnt that the wedding is your day before anyone’s, therefore make sure things go the way you’ll want it to be on your wedding day if you can .

But mama Tiwa ehn, he marriage pressure on her kids has just being too much , I mean it’s never that deep. I really wonder how Tiwa and Shalewa survived all of her pressure.

7. This is my last thought for now , I love the fact that Skinny Girl in Trasnsit portrayed how difficult and frustrating the adoption process can be in Nigeria . Tiwa’s aunt (Aunty Dupe), went through the most frustrating phase trying to adopt her child .

Ironically, just a few Nigerians are open to adoption , yet those who want to , are usually given a tough time at doing so.


I guess this is all the gist I have for today guys . Oya let me hear what you loved about this last season.

I hope you enjoyed the wedding scene. As for me , I was even an online brides maid, and I danced very well ehn.

I can’t wait for the next season, and I hope to see more from Shalewa and Wosi’s relationship.

By the way Didi caught the bouquet, I pray she finally settles down too.


Happy new month lovelies 🎉🎉🎉

Thank you hun for reading.


2 thoughts on “Skinny girl in transit

  1. Abimz says:

    Awesome read! Never been a fan but heard my colleagues go crazy about #sgit reading through this post of yours, I might b tempted to go see #sgit from season1.
    Keep it up✌

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