A little chit chat.

Hey sunshine .

I had a post for today but I changed it , around 11:18pm last night, after a conversation with my friend about adulting.

So this post isn’t about anything at all. Today I’ll just love to pour out my heart to you, because you’ve become family now.

Well today’s the first day in August, and a lot of schools resumption date is fast approaching , which I believe as a student, you’ll be going to a new level or a new class like me, and guess who’s isn’t so delighted(😔me) . To be honest, adulting isn’t as easy and as glamorous as it used to look when I was younger. While I was younger, I couldn’t wait to be bigger, “and start enjoying life” Lol. Little did I know that life ain’t as easy as it looks.

It’s at this stage in life you start working so hard for your future. Now I don’t even think of reading to just pass exams, rather I think about how disappointed my unborn children would be if I don’t succeed in life, I equally picture how I want my parents to enjoy the fruit of their labour after all of their efforts , and these are enough motivation for me to spend 12 hours in the library .

Law isn’t that course that is so easy, it’s pretty voluminous and thinking about all that stress I’m going to face ehn makes me picnic a little bit, but as they say, nothing good comes easy.

It’s at this stage I realised that I have to make plans for my future which includes a plan A, B, C and D. It’s equally now I avoid future recking decisions, after all most of my friends are going to be in their final year (all thanks to my 5 years course, I’m not going to be in my final year☺).

Arghhhhh , growing up isn’t as easy as it looks, but it’s inevitable. Sometimes I just look back at my childhood and I miss it so much because I had little or no worries in life then . Lol, growing up has it’s ups , which can be fun too, moreover I have God by my side.

Now I have to start dropping habits like procrastination, I literally have to fly when my mates are, to avoid being the only one on the land while others are in the sky

I’ll love to end on a final note, and yes we have just 4 months till the end of this year, therefore go back to your new year resolution and you can still achieve it because it’s not too late.

Yes it’s not tooo late, and this is the time we need to start growing up because we ain’t getting any youger and for a fact we grow everyday, I just can’t believe it’s August already 🙄.

I’m actually a bit marvelled at how fast I’m growing up, therefore I decided to share a bit of it with you.

Thank you for reading, and happy new month.🤗


0 thoughts on “A little chit chat.

  1. Gbenga Ogundele says:

    Ever since I realised the Divine potential in u,I have decided to maximally support and help to make fulfill your dream.
    Ride on my Golden Girl,I am very proud of.I love u so much.

  2. Christian Obiora says:

    Thanks to you too. You really inspired someone here especially the part that talked about procrastination,it has always been my problem… Looking forward to hear more from you. Thanks once more.

  3. yemilizzy says:

    yemi Lizzy, I impressed by your write up and I learnt a lot not to be procrastinating, I’m proud of you my damsel, God almighty will continue to increased you in wisdom and understanding and take you to greater heights in life, love you

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