Author Archives: gladysdiary

How to deal with emotionally abusive parents

Would you marry a man like your father? Or would you marry a woman like your mother? This question is a huge trigger for some people who have been hurt by their parents. Dealing with hurt from your parents can be one of the worst feelings on earth because these people might have little to…

How to overcome sexual sin as a christian

Oops did I just mention something you’ve been shying away from for the longest time ever? Today we would be playing a game of name and shame because we must call our sins by name and stand free. Who the Son sets free is free indeed because you are no longer a slave to sin…

7 Simple Acts of Self-care to Practice Daily

The goal of self-care is to be intentional about how you live your life daily, you can’t just live as though you have no control of anything, live intentionally each day with these self care tips. 1. Wake up early: If you are someone who struggles with unproductivity during the day, start your day early…

How to start a prayer journal (plus ideas to make it a habit)

Journaling over the years has been widely encouraged and prayer journaling for believers can never be overemphasized. If you’ve ever wondered why journaling is so important or what the benefits of journaling are, then you are in the right place. A journal is defined as a daily record of news and events of a personal…

Losing My Virginity at 19

Writing this post made my heart skip a beat or two, and if you are reading this post, this is to let you know that I finally decided to let the cat out of the bag because why not, I hope anybody reading this post learns a thing or two from this. Now to all…

How can I know I am growing as a Christian?

Spiritual growth is expedient for every single believer on earth, the truth is you cannot continue to drink milk forever, at a stage you’ll need to start cracking spiritual bones. Knowing if you are growing as a Christian could be difficult especially if you are at a stage where you are not hearing God’s voice…

What is the dress code for Christians and would Christians go to hell for wearing trousers, weaves, and makeup?

Some prophets have stories of their encounters in hell explaining that they have been sent back to earth to warn people who wear wigs, makeup, jewelry because such people would end in hellfire. These people always come back with scary descriptions of the numerous departments in hell for anyone found guilty of all of this….