Author Archives: gladysdiary

My absence

Hey Sunshine, Welcome back to my blog, after a few decades later. And I’m really sorry for my absence for the past few months. I definitely owe you an explanation, and if you have being a day one reader on my blog, you deserve a glass of wine🍷 from me. Therefore; this post is centered…

What does God want me to be?

Hey sunshine,Reading time ;4-5 minutesPS: Get your glass of juice before reading. 🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼          I’m specially thanking you for being a ray of light in my life, I mean, what’s the use of my blog without anyone reading it, thank you sunshine for reading my blog.  I’m going straight to the business of today titled ‘What…

Christmas is coming

Hey sunshine,       Who smells Christmas because over here, I do. The way I’m fantasising ehn ,about this year’s Christmas is on another level, yet I don’t  have so much plans for my Christmas this year. I have one plan for most of my friends however, which is gifting. Christmas is the season of love,…

Beauty Cord

Hello sunshine, I’m genuinely sooo sooo sorry for my inconsistency lately. I’m a student first and foremost, therefore; I’m always caught up with school ish, equally lack of good network has being a hinderence , and nowadays I just publish when the network favours me. With these few points of mine 🤗🤗🤗, I hope I’m…