Category Archives: Faith

I’ll love to know, should a Christian be pro choice ?

Hello, dear amazing reader, You are special to God and I want you to believe this today. //The reading time for this post would be between 3-7 minutes// I’ll be answering a controversial question today and that would be if Christians should be Pro-choice or Pro-life but before I dive straight into the answer I’ll…

God’s Promises we should hold unto during the pandemic.

Hello dear reader, Welcome here today. How have you been taking in information during this pandemic? I know it’s not been easy at this point as many people already believe the world is either ending soon or maybe we are already in the antichrist era, especially with the 5g conspiracy and the drastic reduction of…

How much is God’s Love

Dear Amazing Reader, Welcome to my blog today. I’m super delighted about you being here. Lately, I have been basking in God’s love and I now have a clearer understanding of the depth of God’s love. Today I’ll be sharing how much God’s love is. 1. God’s nature is love; I disprove the notion that…

What does God want me to be?

Hey sunshine,Reading time ;4-5 minutesPS: Get your glass of juice before reading. 🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼          I’m specially thanking you for being a ray of light in my life, I mean, what’s the use of my blog without anyone reading it, thank you sunshine for reading my blog.  I’m going straight to the business of today titled ‘What…

Christmas is coming

Hey sunshine,       Who smells Christmas because over here, I do. The way I’m fantasising ehn ,about this year’s Christmas is on another level, yet I don’t  have so much plans for my Christmas this year. I have one plan for most of my friends however, which is gifting. Christmas is the season of love,…