Celibacy, Sexual urges, and Christianity

Shhh does something here look forbidden? The question is, why would a Christian be celibate when we’ve been asked to get married as virgins, or is it normal for a Christian to have Christian urges? Hmm, abeg oh, I thought all Christians were supposed to be pure and holy.

If this was your reaction when you saw the title of this post I want you to know that you are in the right place. Well I know in some churches sex is a forbidden topic but we must dissect sex and the urges which come with it today, now take in a deep breath and breath out.

What is sex?

Sex is the intimate intercourse between a man and a woman using their private organs. And according to Mr. Google who is the wisest man on the internet, he describes sex as the ‘insertion and thrusting of a male’s penis into a female’s vagina’. Now a big question you might be asking is, ‘Do Christians have sex?’ and the answer is yes because you are most likely a product of sexual intercourse.

In short, let me break it to you, God created sex which means sex is not a dirty or act. When God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, what do you think that meant? It was an instruction for them to start having sex. When Adam ‘knew’ Eve in Genesis 4:1 what do you think that meant? Lol it means they had sex. Now let us move to the New Testament when the angel announced to Mary about the conception of Jesus in Luke 1:34, her response was it could not have been because she had known no man, obviously the Bible was referring to sex. The act of sex was created by God only in the confine of marriage.

What is Celibacy?

Celibacy is the state of abstaining from sexual relations. Every believer is expected to stay sexually pure because your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we ought to keep it pure. Also, you do not necessarily have to be a biological virgin to be celibate, and even if you might have had a wild past, ‘if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature and old things have been passes away, and all things have become new’.

Now to the big question, do Christians have sexual urges?

The answer is yes, yes, yes, and yes. God wired these emotions in you because you are a human I want to tell you that it is normal to get sexual urges every now and then, na so God do am. If you never got hungry for food, you’ll never enjoy the beauty of eating and it’s the same with sex. Having sexual urges means that your body is functioning as it should.

So what should I do with my sexual urges?

Yes, humans have sexual urges but I want you to know that every Christian human being was equally wired with self-control and long-suffering because they are both fruits of the spirits, remember you are now dead to flesh because the Holy-spirit lives inside of you. 

Also the Bible says we should flee from all appearance of evil and if you need to boycott being on social media excessively not to get tempted, by all means, should you please flee from all appearances of evil.

Do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever as oil and water cannot mix together. In the bid to abstain, please do not go dating someone who is not celibate as well, if not you would struggle with your celibacy, plus you just might give in to it.

Before I forget, surround yourself with like-minded people, what has darkness got to do with light. If all your circle of friends see you as being weird for being celibate then you are surrounded by the wrong set of people, I’ll advise you to go into the church and prayerfully make new sets of friends.

Fight from a place of victory because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you and with Christ all things are possible.

Can I masturbate, or watch porn while I am celibate?

You cannot and you should not masturbate while being celibate because God designed sex for partners to serve each other with their bodies. Watching porn and masturbating equally defeats the whole purpose for which sex was designed was designed, that is purely the gratification of the body sexually which is not supposed to be so.

I’ll end on this note, the new creature would get sexual urges but they do not yield into it.

All photos gotten from @pinterest

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