Daddy issues made me promiscuous

This story is about every promiscuous lady who has been judged or labeled as a whore or a pick-me. This story also shows the mind of promiscuous women who have been judged for various reasons, well I want you to know it just might not be a deliberate choice.

According to Mr. Google, a promiscuous woman may be at a stage in her life where she is exploring her identity and sexuality, or exhibit behaviors that indicate a need for affection.

The story of Dove

This is the story of Dove, a young lady who never grew up with her dad because he worked with the army, which was the beginning of her problems. Dove was the girl with the weird name, she loved her dad dearly because she was a split replica of her dad plus she always heard stories from other girls in her class who talked about their dads with so much joy and pride. ‘My dad got me chocolates on his way back from work’ said Gift during the clique’s conversation, ‘well my dad calls me princess every morning’ Anjola the girl with the sharp mouth cried out, but Dove could not relate with any of the girls’ experiences.

Dove’s dad came home a few times in a year and Dove would always run beaming with joy towards her dad, yet her dad always came home feisty, angry and grumbling as he approached home, what a buzz-kill moment because Dove waited for months to see her dad. Not only that, Dove’s dad was always home to fight all the time and his stay, whenever he was around, was a series of horror stories for her, poor Dove.

Dove grew up with a dad but she never experienced that fatherly love everyone seemed to be talking about, he was a great provider financially but he was also an abuser emotionally. Dove sought attention, love, and affirmations from everyone but no one seemed to give her the attention she craved for. Her mom on the flip side was so busy saving her abusive marriage that she could not have cared more for either Dove nor her brothers.

Dove’s dad was emotionally abusive to her, he would talk down on her alongside her brothers and her mom, he would also beat up the mother to a pulp, hurl abusive words to anyone and everyone, cuss out at Dove at every opportunity, he never played with her nor affirmed her with sweet words, in short, her dad became her biggest nightmare as she became scared of the man she knew as daddy.

Fast forward to Dove growing into teenage-hood, she bloomed fast and became the center of attraction for men. Dove met a guy named Son-of-Pharaoh (SOP for short) who was almost the guy of her dream, he knew the right words to say, touched the right places on her body, tickled her fantasies, and then broke her heart. Because Dove thought the love she craved for would be given by young growing men, she was in and out of series of relations. She was jumping from relationship to relationship as if she was jumping buses in Lagos, all the relationships broke Dove in different ways without her realizing it.

Dove knew other girls from broken homes who had similar past experiences and encounters just like her, and the girls like her kept entering different relationships and experiencing heartbreaks in different forms. These girls were labeled as promiscuous, meanwhile, all they needed was love and affirmation from a Male figure who was supposed to their father.

The story of Dove is the story of almost every lady who has been labeled to be promiscuous, the question is why are they promiscuous?

Most of them never had a father who loved-up on them and gave them the attention they needed. Most promiscuous ladies thought men through relationships would love-up on them the way they desired to be loved, sadly most of them have failed to realize that happiness and love can not be found in a man.

The love of the father is what they need, God is the father to the fatherless.

What’s the next step to take from here ?

You’ll find out in the next post on this daddy issues series.

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