Does God see Abortion as murder?

Abortion is one of the gravest sins for many in a country like Nigeria and some even feel like it is a sin God would find hard to forgive, this post might or might not go the way you would imagine it to be. Sin is a sin to God, the sin of abortion and the sin of pocket-picking or telling a white lie is the same in God’s eye.

What is abortion? 

According to Wikipedia, ‘Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or foetus. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or “spontaneous abortion” and occurs in approximately 30% to 40% of pregnancies. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently “induced miscarriage”. The unmodified word abortion generally refers to an induced abortion.’

In cases of miscarriages, the woman has no-fault and neither did she deliberately choose to lose her child, so this cannot be murder to God.

Induced abortions commonly happen either because the parents are incapable of taking care of the child, or they are ashamed of the circumstances surrounding having a baby at that stage in their life.

But there is a problem, some people regard unborn babies especially during the first trimester of pregnancies as a clot of blood but the question is are unborn babies clot of blood?

Every pregnancy is a child even if it’s as young as 4 weeks or as mature as 40 weeks. When pregnancy scans are being carried out, baby heartbeats are heard even at that early stage, this means only life can have a heart-beat. During scans as well, the foetus’s body parts can be seen and the gender of a baby is determined through their sex organs, foetus already develop genitals in the womb. This signifies that every pregnancy at every stage has a life and when one wilfully terminates a pregnancy, it is murder.

But what if the pregnancy would be at risk to the mother’s life?

This would be a tough decision for every mother to make, but if a pregnancy is said to at the detriment of a mother’s life, the intention here is never to take a life, the sole intention is to save a life. I must say that this intention is extremely rare because science and technology have made some things almost impossible. For example in cases when a pregnant woman has ovarian cancer and there is a need to remove her womb, the chances of the foetus surviving the pregnancy might be low but this a rare case where the intention isn’t to end a life but to save a life.

But what if a foetus is said to have a deformity from the womb?

Aborting such a child is still murder, this might be an unpopular opinion but a child having a defect does not mean the child does not have a right to live. In the book of John 9, there is a story of a man who was born blind to bring glory to God and the question is what if he was aborted? God makes no mistakes when creating every child.

The angel prophesied about Jesus, Isaac, John the Baptist, Jacob and Esau, and Samson either before they were born or right from the womb, if they were only clots of blood, why didn’t the angel wait till they were born before their prophecies were given? Why would pregnancies grow if it was the only clot of blood? It’s only living things that can grow.

To the big question, is abortion murder?

The wilful decision to terminate a child is the same as terminating life and yes it is. But let me break it to you as well, God can and would forgive any sin no matter how grievous society has labelled it to be. More so, every single pregnancy regardless of the circumstance which led to the baby is a gift from God. Solomon was a product of fornication and this never deterred him from being a child of God. Psalm 127:3 says that ‘Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward’ and there is no exception to this at all. Every single child is a gift from God.

What should I do if I have committed an abortion?

There is a conception that abortion leads to infertility and this is false, safe abortions would not make you infertile, the world is not some Nollywood movie. If you’ve had to abort a pregnancy in the past and now you are saved, then I want you to know you’ve been forgiven, and you would not be infertile.

Do not wallow in the guilt of your past, you are a new creature and God does not hold any record of your past sin. The law of Karma is inapplicable with Christians because you are now in Christ, go and sin no more literally, nothing is coming to bite your butt in the future. 

You are not a damage good regardless of your past, you are a spec. I hope you always remember this, you’ve been forgiven and you would not be barren when you are ready to have a baby.

Photo credit: All pictures were gotten from google and Pinterest, we have no right to these pictures.

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