God’s Promises we should hold unto during the pandemic.

Hello dear reader,

Welcome here today.

How have you been taking in information during this pandemic?

I know it’s not been easy at this point as many people already believe the world is either ending soon or maybe we are already in the antichrist era, especially with the 5g conspiracy and the drastic reduction of a barrel of oil to $1 which is less than zero.

With all of these scary things happening in the world the word of God is still our resort.

I’ll be sharing God’s promises to us through his word.

Your word is a light to my feet and a lamp to your path Psalm 119:105

1. John 14:27

2. Hebrews 13:5

3. Psalm 91 (from the first verse till the end )

4. Jeremiah 29: 11-12

5. Psalm 71 :3

6. Psalm 46

7. Luke 1:37

I’ll end on this note. Let’s work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philipians :12) as none of us knows the day Jesus would return. For a fact, he is coming soon.

Let’s not entertain fear in our hearts because everything is under God’s control.

I hope you were blessed by this post. and I’ll see you in my next post.

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