How can I know I am growing as a Christian?

Spiritual growth is expedient for every single believer on earth, the truth is you cannot continue to drink milk forever, at a stage you’ll need to start cracking spiritual bones. Knowing if you are growing as a Christian could be difficult especially if you are at a stage where you are not hearing God’s voice audibly and I’ll be sharing a few mechanisms which you could use to gauge your spiritual growth. Spiritual check-ups are necessary now and then and this post is to help you evaluate your spiritual health as well.

  1. There is a drastic change in your prayer life and your appetite to pray has grown: If you are at a stage in your life where your previous prayer time seems way too insufficient for you, this means you are growing. Let’s liken growth to that of humans, over a period of time, one way to know a child is growing is when the child’s clothes or shoes do not fit anymore. If you see your prayer life being better than what it used to be, it’s one of the signs of spiritual growth. And if you also lack the zeal to pray, that could also be a problem too.
  2. You now have the mind of Christ by having the zeal to preach the gospel: One of God’s desire is for every man to be saved and what this means is that every believer would have to preach the gospel. Now if you are at that stage where your heart is burdened for lost souls and you have that burning desire to pray and preach the gospel, this means you are growing spiritually as well. If you do not have the desire to win souls for the kingdom of God, pray to God to have the mind of Christ.
  3. You despise sin and your goal is to please your heavenly father: ‘Be ye Holy for I am Holy’. Holiness is a gift from God which you would receive the day you get saved. Now if you dislike sin like Joseph and your primary goal is only to please Abba father, then your spiritual heart is healthy. Also, if you struggle with secret sins and you are at a place where you constantly keep asking God for help then you are also growing in the faith. If you constantly enjoy sinning hmm you might need help somewhere. Living Holy is one of the lifestyles of a believer.
  4. You desire to grow deeper with your relationship with Christ: The desire to grow deeper is a great sign that your spiritual growth is a priority for you. And the willingness to put in the work is great sign that you are growing as well. That burning desire to grow and the willingness to put in the work simply means that your spiritual growth is of great value to you.
  5. You are a changed person: This sudden change you feel your life has experienced signifies spiritual growth. In fact, the Bible says he’ll replace the heart of stone with a heart of flesh and if you’ve noticed that the person who you are in Christ is totally different and way better than the person who was in the world, then I want you to realize that you’ve grown tremendously in the faith.
  6. You are planted in a Godly local church: If you have a local church where you are planted into by being an active member of the church, you most likely are growing. It is almost impossible to be a believer and grow in isolation. Christianity is not a pandemic which you should make you quarantine yourself, being part of a church family is also a sign that you are growing as well.

Spiritual growth is a gradual process and I want you to know that it does not happen overnight, always ask the Holy Spirit for a heart check periodically, especially to ensure you are growing rightly as a believer.

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