I’ll love to know, Can I Lose My Salvation as a believer ?

Welcome back to my blog🎉

Truthfully I have missed you a whole whole lot and I am glad to be back❤.

Without further ado today I’ll be diving straight to answer a common question amongst new believers where they often ask if we can lose our salvation after we have given our lives to Christ, and the answer is simply NO!

The Bible verse in
Philippians 2:12, ‘Work out your salvation with fear and trembling’ has always been used as a reference as to why salvation might be lost. I am sorry darl, but your salvation is not bobby pin which means you cannot lose it.
Hollup Hollup, I’ll be answering all your possible questions.
So Then How Can I be Saved?
You are saved by faith basically. And all you have to do is believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord then you’ll be saved (Romans 10:9),
oh yes from this day you would receive the gift of salvation freely! and from that point, you have eternal life.
Lobaton! (That’s all!)
This is where your faith comes in. All you need to do is believe Jesus died on the cross for you to be saved then he arose on the 3rd day which means you are not condemned to receive the eternal punishment of going to hellfire.

Okay, I totally get your point, but what if I sin after I get saved?
That is exactly why you are saved dear friend. The day you receive the life of Christ is the day Christ begins to dwell in you. This signifies that Jesus now lives on the inside of you and of course, God would give you the power to overcome sin, can I hear someone shout Glorayyy.
The person of the Holy Spirit who is your teacher would always be there to guide you against sin.

Even when you sin, genuinely repent of your sins and you’ll be forgiven (John 1:9).
As proof let’s look at Bible stories together ______________________________

Peter in the Bible denied Jesus three times but never did that disqualify him from being a disciple of Christ. Rather Jesus forgave him and Peter was the rock on which Christ built the church (Mathew 16:18).
What’s about the prodigal son?
He never lost his sonship even after wandering around aimlessly while squandering his father’s money, and when he returned not necessarily to be restored as a son, his father took him back wholeheartedly with joy in his heart (Luke 15:11-32).

On a final note,
Our works alone do not qualify us to be saved. Christianity is faith-based and it is not by relying on our works alone.
The day you receive the life of Christ, your old life is in the past and you will receive a new life (you’ll be born again), of which sin would become a thing of the past in your life because you now have the Holy Spirit living inside you (2nd Corinthians 5:17)
Being saved isn’t a free licence to sin at all but it is a renewal of your life where you do not become a slave to sin anymore. Please I’ll love you to read (Romans 6:1-7).

I hope you were blessed by this post ❤

6 thoughts on “I’ll love to know, Can I Lose My Salvation as a believer ?

  1. Deborah D. Olayiwola says:

    Yes I was blessed. Thank you for this 👌
    I’ve come to understand that If along your journey to finding wholeness in Christ you give into sin, it doesn’t mean you’re a hypocrite. It doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. It just means that it’s time to start over. Ask forgiveness and move on.
    Salvation can’t be lost. Got it!

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