Insecurities + Anxiety

Hello Sunshine,

Welcome to my 1st episode of the Mental Health February series🎉🎉🎉______________________________Reading Time would approximately be 1-3 minutes but I promise it’s worth the time. ______________________________Today would be all about insecurities and anxiety.

A little bird 🐧🐥whispered to me and said 2020 is the year of self development.

So what then is correlation between Anxiety and Insecurity?

There is this inadequate feeling which comes with insecurities especially when around people.

Let’s put it this way, if someone is insecure about her lips , once being around people her anxiety comes all out because she feels all eyes in the room are looking at just her lips.

Talking about myself , I’m very much blessed with freckles and yeah I used to be overly insecure around people because I felt ugly (if only I told myself that na ugly I ugly , I no kee person) maybe it won’t have been bad, sadly that was the boat that sailed my journey to anxiety.

We are fixing insecurities and not patching them up

Let’s do the math here Anxiety + Insecurity = Poor Mental Health

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety


2. Pounding heart

4. Shortness of breath

5. Nervous feeling6. Muscle tension

7. Stomach or headache

(I skipped number 3 on purpose because I wanted to make it 7 by all means 😊😊)

The great news here is the fact that there’s a solution.

Realistic Tips on how to work on insecurities

1. Daily affirmations: As basic as they may seem, daily affirmations set you on the right track at moments like this .

What you say to yourself registers in your subconscious, which suddenly becomes your reality.

A sample of my daily affirmations which has helped and you should feel free to screen shot them.

2. Pamper routine: There’s this amazing confidence which comes with pampering yourself, can I get a living witness in the house .There’s something called self investment which you’ll thank yourself for if you are deliberate about it. It could be a spa session,getting facials done or a hair makeover.

For instance, right after a mani and pedi session I have unlocked another confidence level 4.0

Don’t go breaking banks or taking loans to make yourself happy if not it would end in hot tears😥.

3. Cut it: I’m not a stern supporter of team cut it, but whatever isnt good for your soul ain’t right for your mental health. In summary cut ties with anything or with anyone who brings out inadequate feeling from you either on social media or in reality.

Few weeks ago, I jejely unfollowed some accounts that were tensioning me on IG which is one of my best decisions ever.

4. Therapy: Some things are better dealt with therapy. Therefore get a therapist.(I’ll be doing a post on therapy real soon).

Therapy is always an option( Black people need therapy!!!).

5. Community: Friends who are hype men are soul lifters. Therefore be around people who are positive minded and who says the best about you. Bad vibes Ratatata( the ghetto).6. Stop being team negative: If you always see the bad in yourself, then consciously start working on it. Rome was not built in a day therefore its a gradual process.Start embracing positivity like no man’s business. When that insecure feeling comes your way, just whisper under your breathe ‘I am adequate and perfect

‘.7. As believers or Christians let Phillipians 4:6 be our watch phrase8. I’ll end on this note; Say no to comparison. Some insecurities come as a result of our comparison galore.Insecurity is a thing of the mind manifesting in the physical realm.Ps: All pictures were gotten from Google.Thank you for reading till the end and I’ll see you in the next episode.