My absence

Hey Sunshine,
Welcome back to my blog, after a few decades later. And I’m really sorry for my absence for the past few months. I definitely owe you an explanation, and if you have being a day one reader on my blog, you deserve a glass of wine🍷 from me. Therefore; this post is centered on my absence, as well as , what I have learnt so far from my absence.

Reasons why I was absent
1. I kept procrastinating writing new posts ahead, during my spare time

2. I successfully drafted a few rough posts, but I was lazy to edit the posts when I had the time to.

3. Eventually, the semester became extremely stressful, sparing me with little time for my blog.

4. Then I had no device for blogging at some point.

In summary , I was lazy to publish and post new contents, coupled with the fact that I didn’t take my blog as a priority , (I thought I did, but my actions said otherwise). I am genuinely sorry about this. And thank you to the few amazing people who reached out to me during my lazy period as I may call it, I appreciate this amazing act of yours.

Hopefully, I have learnt better, and I’ll try my best to be as consistent as I ought to be. Kindly stay tuned for more from me.

What I learnt while I was absent
1. Procrastination would easily destroy all of your plans without you knowing. Trust me I had mad ass plans for my blog, but courtesy of my procrastination, I spoilt those plans.

2. You’ll always create out time for whatever you consider important to you. I definitely learnt this the hard way, but at the end of the day I realised this.

3. Save for rainy days. I used to think this applied to money alone, but, if I had posts ahead of my busy day, I won’t have being undisposed for this long.

4. Whatever you abandon would deteriorate. My stats reduced drastically, but ehemm , what did I expect from my absentness.

5. Once you take a long break , coming back feels like you are starting afresh , and trust me,that’s how I feel with my blog so far .

And once again, welcome back to my blog . Stay tuned for more contents , and you enjoyed this post.

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