Reflecting on my 2020

Welcome to the great year of 2021 and I pray this year would be a year of abundance for you in every dimension in Jesus name.

Officially I am wishing you a happy new year 🍾

2021 is my year and you should repeat it.

I’ll be sharing life lessons I learned in 2020 alongside picture highlights of my year.

1. In 2020 I learned to journal, amazingly I picked up the art of journaling at the beginning of the year, and reading through my journal towards the end of the year was a great way for me to reflect on my year.

2. A gratitude journal is a must-have and that’s something I saw much of it’s importance. I got a gratitude journal where I wrote something I was grateful for each day and at the end of the year, I saw no need to complain about anything.
3. I learned that trying new things out would not bite. There’s absolutely nothing wrong in making mistakes once it’s not sinful because through mistakes we learn and become stronger.
4. I learnt on the power of positive affirmations and positive thinking. For the most part of the year I had daily affirmations I said to myself repeatedly and I saw the power of my positive words manifesting in ways I couldn’t imagine .
5. I learnt to obey and trust God totally. I know it can be very hard, however following God’s instructions might not feel good at the initial stage but God has your best interest at hand every time.
6. I learnt to follow my instincts and also the leading of the Holy Spirit. If something does not feel right, then it just might not be right. It’s important for us not to download our instincts as well as down playing what the Holy Spirit leads us to do.
7. Complaining without praying towards it is mere gibberish. That’s something I learned the hard way, and complaining over a situation isn’t entirely bad but not praying about it makes it a total waste of time too.
7. Man plans however God is the master planner. I feel like we all experienced this in one form or the other last year. Yes it’s easy to make plans but at all time be sure to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit ultimately.
8. Forgiveness would always be dished out not only when the offender asks for forgiveness. The hardest lesson I learnt and of which I am still learning is the the fact that sometimes you’ll have to forgive a person even without the offender asking for your forgiveness. This is another form of healing.
9. Everyone needs a community of friends. Sadly our society glorifies us human beings living like islands, honestly having a set of closely knitted friends is way better than being alone.

10. How well you die isn’t as important as where you’ll be after you die. I learned to be eternity conscious all the time because no one is destined to live here on earth forever.

2020 was such an interesting and a unique year, however in every situation we ought to give thanks to God.

On this note I’ll be welcoming you officially to this new year, hey you! See you at the top.

I love you and God loves you even more.



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