Tag Archives: Christianity

Feminism and Christianity

‘Episode 3’ Can Christians be Feminists ? DISCLAIMER: This is a long post that would take at least 6 minutes of your time and everything in this post is fully my conviction. At the beginning of 2020, I drafted a post titled ‘A letter to Patriarchy Princess’ which never got published, as a simple summary…

I’ll Love To Know, Is It Compulsory For Christians To Worship In A Church?

Pastors always exploit their church members. Churches are filled with hypocrites I can worship God in the comfort of my house because he is everywhere. I don’t like church dramas. These statements above are the most common reasons why people have decided not to worship in churches. _______________________________ In today’s post, I’ll be answering ‘If…

I’ll love to know, should a Christian be pro choice ?

Hello, dear amazing reader, You are special to God and I want you to believe this today. //The reading time for this post would be between 3-7 minutes// I’ll be answering a controversial question today and that would be if Christians should be Pro-choice or Pro-life but before I dive straight into the answer I’ll…

What does God want me to be?

Hey sunshine,Reading time ;4-5 minutesPS: Get your glass of juice before reading. 🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼          I’m specially thanking you for being a ray of light in my life, I mean, what’s the use of my blog without anyone reading it, thank you sunshine for reading my blog.  I’m going straight to the business of today titled ‘What…