The Diamonds in Insecurities.

Hey Sunshine,

Hope you’ve being good and I’m sooo glad you are back here .

Well this post is for everyone including me, who’s dealing with any form of insecurity, , and I hope this post is helpful.

I’ll love to tell you that Insecurities are like diamonds, and you are going to see the reasons for these using the characteristics of a diamond.

1. Diamonds are hard; Yes so are insecurities. You can be insecure about something which can’t be broken off your identity, or which may hardly be detached from your personality. For example, if you are insecure about your Rihannah forehead or your Jay Z lips, obviously these features which you are insecure won’t be broken off you.

2. Diamonds can scratch anything; Insecurities would do the same, believe it or not. Your insecurities tend to scratch your emotions , your feelings , your mood, your mindset , anything what so ever, would be scratched by your insecurity. I remember in secondary school when I was insecure for being tall, I’ll become soo moody if someone calls me Dogo or Dogonyara, therefore that insecurity scratched my mood all the time.

3. Diamonds don’t have a clear perception; Unrefined diamonds don’t have distinct colours, size, shapes, till they become refined. More often than not, our insecurities are indefinite because we don’t even know the cause ,or the origin for this insecurity. Like me, I don’t even know when and why I become insecure about having freckles, I just saw myself not liking my freckles. This may not apply for every one, but some people don’t like something about themselves for no reason what so ever because this insecurity just developed on its own.

4. Diamonds are in different colours;

“the rarest diamonds are colored pink, yellow or blue. If the jeweler says that your piece is rare but not in those colors, you might want to ask for their explanation. “

Not everyone is insecure about the same thing. Let me use the scenario of identical twins sisters, who look exactly alike , twin A might be insecure about her eyes , while twin B is insecure about her nose. And some others have the weirdest and rarest insecurities , such as being shy about their big toe, or their belly button.

5. Real diamonds reflect light;

And this is my favourite part about insecurities. Just the way every diamond is uniquely beautiful, so are our insecurities uniquely beautiful. Not looking like a Victoria Secret model doesn’t make you ugly in any way. Imagine all diamond were shaped and looked exactly the same, I doubt diamonds would be so unique and beautiful to us anymore.

So therefore, we should embrace every bit of ourselves because we are all unique and beautiful in every way , as well as in different ways.

Thank you for reading till the end 💖💖.

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