The Journey Begins.

Hey sunshines, I’ll like to tell someone special here today that, whether you believe it or not, you can actually do it and I hope my little story helps (fingers crossed🤞). Long long ago, There was an amazing queen of the land of procrastination, who ruled the kingdom flawlessly, for more than a decade and half. Then… Just out of the blues, she decided to read about the life of different queens who ruled other kingdoms as well as their lifestyles. A particular queen caught her attention- her biography struck her soul and that changed her life forever. This peculiar queen ruled the land of ” You Must be productive “ for almost three years. The fact, that she was better than the other queens, was fascinating. More so, the citizens of this kingdom were the richest in the whole universe despite their relatively small size, moreover, everything used on earth was been produced by the people of the land of “You must be productive “ and that very day she believed this kingdom she had been ruling for so long wasn’t beneficial to her because the culture being practised in her kingdom was hazardous to her as a person. Even with her desire to change, things did not seem to work out , after all that had been the lifestyle of the people for centuries. So guess what she did, hmmmmm, well she threw her crown 👑 adorned with diamonds that cost more than a fortune . Then she renounced her rulership and went ahead to banish herself from the land of procrastination , which was a very tough decision, equally promising herself never to return to the ” land of procrastination ” …ever again. Well well her story did not just end there. She immigrated into the land of “You must be productive”. She experienced culture shock though because their culture was way way different from that in the land of procrastination . A big difference was the sleeping habit exhibited in the new land she migrated to . Apparently, In the land of procrastination, all they ever did was sleep, eat, sleep, eat and sleep more while in the land of you must be productive” , there was a fixed time for literally everything-sleeping, was scheduled for a seemingly short time, while the worktime seemed extremely long and the commonest proverb said while working was “Make hay, while the sun shines” , obviously the sun shines for a long time which meant work during the day and sleep at night alone . They had an unbreakable rule, which was , “never to give up” , Gosh! This rule was pretty difficult to abide by. Yes yes yes, it was difficult for this queen to adopt to this new way lifestyle. She always encouraged herself with the statement-I can do it!!! Right from time ,she always had the desire to read very hard in becoming a prolific barrister someday, but the land of procrastination never helped her in achieving this due to their laissez-faire attitude . In the land of “You must be productive “, she enrolled in the law school which the land had, and to her greatest surprise she made friends who were always ready to help her out and such friends included ‘positivity ‘. ‘diligence‘, and her favorite of them all was ‘the Holy Spirit ‘. Undeniably, things were not easy at all, but she just couldn’t give up. Her three friends helped her as often as possible and never gave her the impression that she was a burden. Positivity always made sure he rewarded her as often as possible and he even got her a beautiful tiara when she made a beautiful first semester result. Diligence always stayed up all night, giving her a good massage or pedicures while she read well and the Holy Spirit always made her smile no matter what, whether she was happy with the stress or not.

Fastforward to her graduation 🎊 🎓 .

She couldn’t believe she made it, oh wow, and she was the valedictorian of her set and she made a beautiful speech 💬 that awed everyone, truth be told all the television 📺 channels, radio 📻 stations and newspapers 📰 carried this speech. Clearing her throat she began ‘ Hey guys , I am Gigi, and I used to be the queen of the “land of procrastination” for a pretty long time ‘ with every gasping in shock she continued, ‘oh yes, I dethroned myself, which was a pretty difficult decision, but I had to do this for my future because I wasn’t progressing at all. Obviously I had countless new year resolutions but it couldn’t work out, reason being that my culture didn’t permit me to engage in success.’ Adjusting her dress ,she continued ‘but I just had to leave and I came to this land of “you must be productive” and I promise , I’m a better person today, and even if I am just an ordinary citizen of this land, I’m better off here without any regrets. shout-out to my friends Positivity, Diligence and the Holy Spirit because without you guys I doubt this journey would have been as easy as you guys made it for me, and I bet you three are the real MVP’s. I love y’all “. Of course she got a standing ovation from everyone as well as an unending hand claps from the crowd. Majestically walking back to her seat, she turned back to the stage adding ‘ to everyone who is like me, and you feel it’s pretty hard achieving your goals especially with a title or even a crown like me, come to this land of “You must be productive “ and I promise you that you can do it here. Sweet hearts, come. let The Journey Begin, which is your success story. I love y’all and Thank you’. Of course, the standing ovation continued as well as the resounding hand clappings by everyone. THE END

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