The littlest things.

Hey sunshine, Yes I know it’s being a while since i’ve posted on the blog, I hope i’m forgiven , too bad school work occupies most of my time, I really hope I learn to multi task better as time goes on 🤩😘💕.

Straight to the main business. I got my motivation for this post, after reminiscing a day after my birthday, and I realised this my amazing God answered most of my prayer requests despite how little and ridiculous they seemed to be for God.

And yes this got me thinking too, because quite a lot of times, I feel there are some prayers I call little which I often think may be too ridiculous or too silly for God to answer, and truth be told, i’ve realised so far so good , there’s nothing too big, nor too small for God to do for us.

For instance, on my birthday , I asked God for a sunless day all through my birthday, yes I scoffed a little at this prayer and even mocked myself a little while adding this to my prayer request, and God indeed made my birthday soo breezy, without the scorching sun all day .

I’ve finally concluded that even the littlest prayers we think are too little or ridiculous for God can equally be answered by God.

Jesus said in the bible, ” if you ask of anything in my name, I’ll do it for you “. John 15:7

Yes honey, it’s anything in his name you can ask for, not just your big mountain of problems, but even the littlest of things that make you cringe are answerable by God, that’s how great and awesome our God is .

I hope you’ve being blessed with this short post, and God bless you.

Happy sunday hun .

The song for today 🎶🎵🎤🎤-

Onise Iyanu
You are the God of awesome  wonders
I've tasted  of your power
Onise Iyanu
You have shown me so much mercy
Much more than I deserve

My eyes have seen, my ears have heard
The wonders of your praise
Creation bows in awe of you
And we join to give you praise

Thank you for reading this post till the end, God bless you .

Let me show you a few birthday pictures too💕💕.

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