The Power of Prayers.

Hey sunshine 😍,

How are you doing, and hope you’ve been great? Happy new week to you , and I pray this new week is filled with blessings for you , Amen.

Few weeks ago, I was distressed while designing the blog because it wasn’t turning out how I wanted it to be, and me being me as usual, I became troubled , equally I almost made an illogical decision . Then and then I remembered to pray and tha-daa💫✨ ,after I prayed, just like magic, things seemed facile.

Please don’t be like Gladys who made prayer her last resort.

Prayer is supposed to be the first step we take before making any decision no matter how bijou that decision you want to make may seem.

Nowadays we take pictures before eating rather than saying a short prayer .

It has become an unusual habit of watching a movie before going to bed, instead of reading the Bible, honestly God isn’t happy with this attitude of ours😐😣.

Why should we pray ???

1. Let me tell you a little secret, the devil can do virtually everything we do except praying to God. This means we have an edge over the devil through prayers.

2. We should pray because it is the easiest way God listens to us; In the Holy book of Jeremiah 29:12 the Lord said therein that ;”Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you“.

3. We should pray because he’ll give us anything we ask of in his name . Let’s take a look at the popular book of Mathew 7:7-8 whereby God commanded us to “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” additionally verse 8 says ,”For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened“.

Let’s look at the word “SHALL” which is being used in the bible passage , which the dictionary recognizes to word to mean ;

expressing a strong assertion or intention.

Prayer is the easiest way by which wecommunicate with God.

Obviously God doesn’t want us to ask for whatever we want by grumbling or rumbling, rather we should ask of him through prayers.

4. We should pray because it’s the easiest resort at the time of distress. Rather than freting or panicking why not pray, let’s look at James 5:13 ~ which says ” Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise“. The best part about praying is the fact that it costs nothing at all and it’s the easiest solution to our problems, but worrying on the other hand is detrimental to the health.

When would our prayers not be answered

1. God hears our prayers perfectly , for sure, he’s omnipotent, however our short comings prevents our prayers from being answered. The prophet of God in the book of Isaiah 59:1-2 supports this by saying; “Don’t think that the Lord is too weak to save you or too deaf to hear your call for help!, rather if you feel like your prayers are not being answered then “It is because of your sins that he doesn’t hear you. It is your sins that separate you from God when you try to worship him” .

The proper way to pray

1. The Bible says, the prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God , most definitely there’s a way out for sinners to pray which can be seen in the book of Apostle 1 John 1:9 ~ which tells us that ;”If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”.

The beautiful book of Psalm 24:3-5 says that;
³Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?
Or who may stand in His holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
Nor sworn deceitfully.
5 He shall receive blessing from the Lord,
And righteousness from the God of his salvation.

Clearly this signifies that we should pray without sin being dominantly visible in our lives, therefore we should ensure we’ve asked God for the forgiveness of sins, to enable answers to prayers.

How often should we pray?

“First Theselonians 5: 17 enjoins us to “pray without ceasing.

Thanks you for reading till the end, God bless you.

😍 😍

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