The Truth about Blogging

Hey sunshine,Hey Hun booboo, how has 2019 being for you lately, hope you’ve being sticking to your new year resolutions , well so far?, as for me , I have even forgotten some of my year’s resolution, for that reason  I constantly check my new year resolutions as often as possible to keep me in check.Remember I told you I’m back with my consistency , and yes of course I won’t go back on my words, this is the 2nd half of 2019 , meaning I’m going to throw meaningless inconsistency away (fingers crossed anyway🤞🤞).My blog is already a year🎉, and I’ll love to share what I’ve learnt about blogging so far so good.
Today I’ll be sharing what I have learnt as a blogger, using my personal experience and I hope this post is hopeful for you.

1. Do what makes you happy instantly; Like I mentioned earlier , writing definitely makes me happy , that’s the reason I started blogging , and trust me when I started , I was barely equipped with anything to make my blog better , but I just started , and with time , things started getting better for me , and as time goes on , by God’s grace, this whole journey would still get better.
2. Growth; As a new comer, I have learnt that I need to embrace growth as it come. This basically I’ll call my talent, needless to say , I still need to keep being better than yesterday , I need to research more, read more , drop a few things which I used to do on my blog , as well as add more things which would make my blog better. Prior to when I started blogging , trust me , I had a lot of things which I felt my blog needed , however, a couple of these became irrelevant as part of my blogging journey. Me for example, I love talking a lot , which reflected in my posts , and initially , I used to write long ass epistles, but I realised no one would enjoy reading long ass posts , therefore right now, I’m still learning to be a more concise writer.
3. Follow you; I honestly at some point got caught up in what some bloggers were doing and I even wanted my blog to be exactly like theirs. Lol I thank God a specific blogger who addressed the issue of having your own originality and sticking to it. Copying someone’s just to have yours like theirs would get you all confused for the longest time. Just like me, I became overwhelmed while trying to have the perfect blog like blogger so so so. Right now I’m enjoying what my blog looks like, which is what suites me.

4. A tree doesn’t grow overnight; It’s good to aspire , desire , learn from , and even hope for better by learning from another’s blog, but you wanting your blog to look exactly like another’s is a problem. I realised that most of the blogger’s didn’t become so good overnight or over 3 months, rather a couple of bloggers got as good as they are in years. It’s therefore meaningless for me to now want my dream blog to come true in just a month, and I ask myself, how possible can that be? , I mean you can’t just spend 2 years in the university to start practising as a medical practitioner, rather it takes years after passing all necessary examination to become a qualified doctor. And I’ve been applying this with my blog, I’m not trying to be an instant magician with this blog, therefore my blog can’t just be like Linda Ikeji’s in a month.

5. Money matters but it’s not always necessary: Lol, boo thang says I like money too much but I don’t think that is true. After I read how bloggers make so much money from blogging, I thought to myself, that I must make money from my blog. However, I had rigorous talks with myself and me being honest with myself, I’ve barely the seen the need to start making money off my blog. Rather, I want to totally enjoy what I do for now, and later in future I can decide when this blog is fit to generate income for me. Therefore, whatever sponsored posts I’ll be doing for now would totally be free on my side because I’m doing what I like without having unnecessary money worries.

6.Creativity; Like I mentioned earlier , this post isn’t centred , on just blogging alone , whatever talent you have , please you can include more forms of creativity to it. I’m definitely learning more on creativity this year. I think creativity is the fun part about what you are doing. I’m still learning creativity such as flat lays, taking pictures despite being camera shy till now.And to every amazing person who has supported my blog,  I love you.  XOXO

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