What does God want me to be?

Hey sunshine,
Reading time ;4-5 minutes
PS: Get your glass of juice before reading. 🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼
    I’m specially thanking you for being a ray of light in my life, I mean, what’s the use of my blog without anyone reading it, thank you sunshine for reading my blog.  I’m going straight to the business of today titled ‘What does God want me to be?’  This year I really plan on writing lots of faith related post, and this is my first faith post this year.
🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼   It’s really common with people, especially with the adults around us, to ask what we want to be in future, or where we see ourselves in years to come, and sometimes, depending on how you’ve planned your life, you can give an answer to this, or you may still be confused about this. For example , I’m a law student , and I know I want to be Lawyer someone day , sometimes I even plan what I aim at achieving at certain age and peaks of my life , however for a while something has being asking me to ask myself, if what I want to do, is God’s plan for my life .

    Honey, take your time to ask yourself, if what you desire for your life is in alignment with God’s purpose for your life. Often times we want to venture into  a kind of business, for example, selling shoes and bags, meanwhile God’s plan for your destiny is being a baker of a prestigious bakery. You end feeling like you are a failure once you start your proposed business, but honestly, you are nothing close to being a failure, rather your plan isn’t the same as the plan of God for your life, which is why what you are doing isn’t succeeding to your expectations.
  I attend Mountain Of Fire and Miracles Ministries and my greatest mentor being DR.D.K Olukoya, shared a story about his life with us during a service, and he said, while he was pursuing his education in the overseas, most of his friends and peers were saving their money and allowances which they made, with the aim of buying cars while coming back to Nigeria, meanwhile, him on the other side was helping the needy around him with all of the money he made, with no savings to himself. On arrival to Nigeria, most people, who were his mates, at the cargo, had cars, meanwhile all he shipped down to Nigeria were his books. Obviously, as expected, his mom was dismayed seeing only books, especially when all her friends’ kids brought cars back to Nigeria. Dr. Olukoya being a man of insight, reassured his mom, that he was going to read all of the books he brought, to make money for them, and guess what, within two years, he was way better than most of his friends who brought back cars to Nigeria, because most of their cars were stolen by armed robbers one after the other, while he read the books he brought, and became better off.

  With this story, it’s obvious he knew God’s plan for his life, which was helping the needy around him, and his good works definitely worked for him in so many ramifications in the future, and justifiably, he has as many cars as he’ll want now, equally, at this point of his life, having a car is the least of his worries in life.
Yes sunshine, I know  everyone is doing it just that way, which is even working well for them , no one is saying you shouldn’t do it that way too , but first pray about  it, and ask God if  that’s his plan for your life, and trust me if it’s not , you’ll see the sign out  there. In whatsoever decision we want to make, God’s saying you should put him first, and that tiny effort of yours, would yield into a magnificent result.
     Proverbs 3:6 says “In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.”(Living Bible version)

      You might think God doesn’t speak to you, nor does he hear you, well trust me, he hears all of our prayers succinctly. While waiting to hear his answers, after you’ve prayed,  you might not necessarily hear his voice clearly , however there are signs we get, which we could  easily ignore , and that’s could  just  be God’s way of talking to you . For instance, If you have peace of mind, like the ocean after you’ve decided to venture into something, and after praying about it to God, then that’s God’s way of saying ‘Yes my love, you can do it’, but if you have unsettled thoughts after praying about something, pray again, and if your thoughts are still all shades of unsettled, then significantly God doesn’t want you to do it, because he wants you to have peace in whatever you do.

It seems hard letting go of what you want to do, however, the plan of God is way better than ours. Let’s look at Abraham in the bible , God told him to leave all he had ,and to sojourn to a foreign land which he wasn’t aware of , with trust and obedience , he followed God ,and he was richly blessed to the extent that he couldn’t even count all his wealth . Abraham even has his bosom in heaven! I mean isn’t that amazing? At least I know this from the parable of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:22).🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼🌺🌼     I’m sorry if this is too long , but I hope you’ve being blessed by this post, and remember , no one has it all figured out, only God has our lives all figured out for us , which is the basic reason why we should follow his will for our lives.
Thank you for reading till the end, I love you hunXOXOXO. Make sure you equally, stay tuned for more faith related posts.

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